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We sought separate cabins for the night, and in mine, as in a sort of moral bath, the drastic cross seas of the Channel cleansed me of my irritable humour, and left me like a rag, beaten and hung on a clothes-line to the winds of heaven. In the grey of the morning we disembarked at Dover; and here Mr. Romaine had prepared a surprise for me.

Baffled in this, has he stayed himself, or has he planted Dawson here by way of sentinel?" "Himself, beyond a doubt," said I. "And yet to what end? He cannot think to pass the night there!" "If it were only possible to pay no heed!" said Mr. Romaine. "But this is the accursed drawback of your position. We can do nothing openly.

In 1806 Benjamin Romaine, a grand sachem, was removed from the office of city controller by his own party for acquiring land from the city without paying for it. In 1807 several superintendents of city institutions were dismissed for frauds. The inspector of bread, a sachem, resigned because his threat to extort one-third of the fees from his subordinates had become public.

Romaine has shown a truly sympathising spirit, and acted the part of a brother. Indeed, although Romaine was quite ready to enter into the lists of controversy with Warburton and others whom he considered to be outside the Evangelical pale, he seems to have held aloof from the disputes which distracted those within that pale. Thank God, I am out of them.

'I am at present engaged. 'Thank you, sir! said Dawson. And we heard his feet draw off slowly along the corridor. 'Yes, said Mr. Romaine, speaking low, and maintaining the attitude of one intently listening, 'there is another foot. I cannot be deceived! 'I think there was indeed! said I. 'And what troubles me I am not sure that the other has gone entirely away.

Romaine was so badly involved in a series of scandals arising from the grants and corrupt sales of city land, that in 1806 the Common Council, controlled by his own party, the Tammany machine, found it necessary to remove him from the office of City Controller for malfeasance.

Raymond; and it is scarcely necessary to observe that I was equally discreet in withholding from my employer and his "ladye love" all knowledge of the state of affairs between the other parties. I communicated my fears to Mr. Anderson, but he laughed at them saying "Nonsense, my dear boy why should Romaine suspect anything of the kind?

You will only make yourself ridiculous; you will only squander money, of which you have none too much, and reap public mortification." "Ah, but there you make the common mistake, Mr. Romaine!" returned Alain. "You despise your adversary. Consider, if you please, how very disagreeable I could make myself if I chose. Consider the position of your protégé an escaped prisoner! But I play a great game.

From him I learned that my uncle was extremely low, a doctor in close attendance, Mr. Romaine expected at any moment, and that my cousin, the Vicomte de Saint-Yves, had been sent for the same morning. "It was a sudden seizure, then?" I asked. Well, he would scarcely go as far as that. It was a decline, a fading away, sir; but he was certainly took bad the day before, had sent for Mr.

Romaine had left the room, Charles sat, burying his head in his hands and indulging bitter thoughts toward his father. "To-day," he said to himself, "he resolved to cut loose from me apparently forgetting that it was from his hands, and at his table I received my first glass of wine. He prides himself on his power of self-control, and after all what does it amount to?