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And even when the young bank manager married, and wished to take over the rooms, she sent him to the right-about from his own premises in her gay, masterful way. The young manager behaved well in the circumstances, because he had asked her to marry him, and she had dismissed him with a warning against challenging his own happiness that was the way she had put it.

We now gave him credit for his sagacity in refusing to cross the dangerous passage. The reeds bowed down to the right and left as a huge crocodile of about eighteen feet in length moved slowly from his shallow bed into a deep hole. The dog turned to the right-about, and went off as fast as his legs would carry him. No calling or whistling would induce him to return, and I never saw him again.

"What! to S house?" said the spirit in an ecstasy; but the judge, without making him any answer, turned to another, who with a very solemn air and great dignity, acquainted him he was a duke. "To the right-about, Mr.

Under cover of this fire their skirmishers returned to the Swamp, and their main line came forward to a position whence it commanded the crossing at effective range. The two guns on the road were sent to the right-about. The shells of the Federal batteries fell into the stream, and the men who had been labouring at the bridge ran back and refused to work.

At the front door of the hall we found the carriage. "Take it back to the coach-house, John," said Mr. Rochester, coolly: "it will not be wanted to-day." At our entrance, Mrs. Fairfax, Adèle, Sophie, Leah, advanced to meet and greet us. "To the right-about every soul!" cried the master: "away with your congratulations! Who wants them? Not I! they are fifteen years too late!"

A shot from one of her long guns, though it missed them, sent them to the right-about, and the whole body soon afterwards disappeared. No long time, however, had elapsed when they were again discerned coming in the direction of the ship, accompanied by a body of infantry and several field-pieces. "We must be ready for those fellows," observed Terence, "and do our best to dismount their guns."

Wills seem to me to have been invented by the devil for the special upsetting of the corpse's memory. Why, some of the peaceablest folks as I've ever known folks as wouldn't have scared a lady-cow in their lifetime have left wills as have sent all their relations to the right-about, ready to bite one another's noses off.

Kentucky can go to the devil, half the stations be wiped out, and not a thrip do they care." "Have you sent word to the Colonel?" I asked. "If he was here," said Ray, bitterly, "he'd have half of 'em swinging inside of an hour. I'll warrant he'd send 'em to the right-about." I rode on into the town, Potts gone out of my mind.

Then a sedate old dame rose from the squatting mass, ordered the virgins to right-about, and marched them off, showing their still more naked reverses.

I seem to remember Professor Owen invented them but he never wavered in his faith and was the great opponent of that rash man, Darwin. Oh, I remember now the old controversies what a stalwart was the Bishop of Winchester! They couldn't bear him at their Scientific meetings there was one at Bath, if I recollect right, and he put them all to the right-about. What about your Dinosaurs?