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'Here's a subpoena for you, Mr. Weller, said Jackson. 'What's that in English? inquired Sam. 'Here's the original, said Jackson, declining the required explanation. 'Which? said Sam. 'This, replied Jackson, shaking the parchment. 'Oh, that's the 'rig'nal, is it? said Sam. 'Well, I'm wery glad I've seen the 'rig'nal, 'cos it's a gratifyin' sort o' thing, and eases vun's mind so much.

Next morning Simpkins was earlier than usual at the Oriental Building, where he found the youth waiting for Brander to come and open up the inner office. "Parson's late, eh?" he threw out by way of greeting. "Always is," was the surly answer. "He's de 'rig'nal seven sleepers." "Puts you behind with your cleaning, eh?" "Naw; youse ought to know I don't do no cleanin'." "You don't?

The Indian grinned and grunted acquiescence, and Creed inserted his arm between two logs and withdrew a squat, black bottle. "Here's some reg'lar ol' 'rig'nal red-eye. An' here's lookin' at ye," he said, as he removed the cork and sucked greedily at the contents. "Jest tuk a taste fust, 'cause I don't like to give vis'tors whisky I wudn't drink m'self, har, har, har!

Harum in some doubt as to the seriousness of the last remark. "Go to the 'Piscopal church, an' have what they call dinner at six o'clock," said David. "Now, there's the The'dore Verjooses," he continued; "the 'rig'nal Verjoos come an' settled here some time in the thirties, I reckon. "He was the father of Mr. Verjoos the other banker here, I suppose?" said John.

Pow'ful good sleepers you are." "Yes," said Harry. "We're two of the original Seven Sleepers." "I don't doubt that you are two, but they wuz more'n seven." "How do you know?" "'Cause at least seven thousand in this train have been sleepin' as hard as you wuz. I guess you mean the 'rig'nal Seventy Thousand Sleepers." Harry's spirits had returned after his long sleep. He was a lad again.

You see I charged him what I thought was right on the 'rig'nal deal, an' he squimmidged some, an' I reckon he allowed to be putty well bled if I took holt agin; but I done as I agreed on the extension bus'nis, an' I'm on his paper for twelve hunderd fer nothin', jest because that nikum-noddy of a Timson let that drummer bamboozle him into talkin'. I found out the hull thing, an' the very day I wrote to the New York fellers fer Purse, I wrote to Gen'ral Wolsey to find me somebody to take Timson's place.

The result of this variety and abundance of life is an even more than corresponding opportunity for enjoyment. This enjoyment may arise in different persons from different sources. The much praised and seldom cavilled at unity and completeness of the story may appeal to some. There are others who are inclined towards elaborate plots as Sam Weller was to the "'rig'nal" of his subpoena.