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In a few words he told us, in fairly good English, how it had been posted up in the laager, "We leave for Mafeking to-night: we will breakfast at Dixon's Hotel to-morrow morning"; how he had sent back to instruct Reuter's agent to cable the news that Mafeking had been taken as soon as the fort was in their hands; how he had left his camp with 400 volunteers, and how, when he had counted them by the light of the blazing stadt, only 240 remained; moreover, that the 500 additional men who were to push in when the fort was taken absolutely failed him.

"That's very well; but the enemy may be less considerate," said Mortimer. "They are not strong enough to force a battle." "A skirmish, then?" "Much more likely to be a raid upon the rear. In that case we are just where we should be." "So we are! What a score over Reuter's man up with the advance! Well, we'll outspan and have our tiffin under the palms."

I alone know the absolute truth of the matter, and I am satisfied that the time has come when no good purpose is to be served by its suppression. As far as I know, there have been only three accounts in the public press: that in the Journal de Geneve on May 6th, 1891, the Reuter's despatch in the English papers on May 7th, and finally the recent letter to which I have alluded.

Reuter's establishment, I had voluntarily cut off 20l. from my yearly income; I had diminished my 60l. per annum to 40l., and even that sum I now held by a very precarious tenure. It is some time since I made any reference to M. Pelet.

No wonder that the diseased, the deformed, the blind, the one-toed, the twelve-toed, and monstrous parts and organs are the rule rather than the exception. These things are true of nine-tenths of this people. ILOILO 25th. Reuter's Telegrams. LONDON 25th. Novr. The British losses at Belmont are stated at 48 killed, 146 wounded, and 21 missing.

Jaffery, after burying his poor comrade, took ship with Liosha and went to Cettinje, where he entrusted her to the care of old friends of his, the Austrian Consul and his wife, and made her known as the widow of Prescott of Reuter's to the British diplomatic authorities.

In spite of what she had said with reference to gossiping about this trouble, Her Majesty often spoke about it herself, and during one of our conversations she said she wished she could get information each day as to what was actually occurring, so I suggested that it would be very easy to get all the latest news by taking the foreign papers and also Reuter's specials.

All the gun-makers' shops had soon been cleared of their contents, which were in the hands of the adherents of the revolution. That evening the news of the insurrection was flashed by "Reuter's" to all parts of the civilized world. The following appeared in one of the largest British dailies: "BUENOS AYRES, July 27, 5.40 p.m.

'The authority for the statement of the flogging by the Boers of a coloured man named Esau at Calvinia was a Reuter's telegram, confirmed subsequently by the report made to Cape Town by the district surgeon of Calvinia. From Mr. Brodrick's reply to Mr. Labouchere in House of Commons, February 21.

Willingly would I have observed her last wish, and taken her remains back to our own country, but that was impossible; I was forced to lay her here." "She was ill but a short time, I presume?" "But three weeks. When she began to sink I asked Mdlle. Reuter's leave to stay with her and wait on her; I readily got leave." "Do you return to the pensionnat!" I demanded hastily.