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The latter looked very pale, either from the effect of his wound, which was not yet entirely healed, or from suppressed emotion, partly, perhaps, from both causes, and wore his left arm in a sling. "Well!" cried Mrs. Sheppard, raising herself, and looking at him as if her life depended upon the answer. "He is respited?" "Alas! no," replied Thames, sadly. "The warrant for his execution is arrived.

Is it come to this then? Is he fit to die at last? Then he is fit to live; and live he shall. The tyrants have not the heart to carry out their own crime, and Raleigh shall be respited. But not pardoned. No more return for him into that sinful world, where he flaunted on the edge of the precipice, and dropped heedless over it.

Ferrars had been taken at the Black Friars, in London, and making his submission, was respited and escaped with abjuration. But Clark was at Oxford, in the bishop's power, and the wicked old man was allowed to work his will upon him. A bill of heresy was drawn, which the prisoner was required to sign.

It seems, she considered herself betrayed last evening by her sentence not being respited, even after she had made confession of sin enough to bring down fire from heaven; and, it seems to me, the passionate, impotent anger of this helpless creature has turned to madness, for she appalls me by the additional revelations she has made to the keepers during the night to me this morning.

The Immortals had shown him peculiar favor, but still he was but a man; that he realized from the pain in his wound, and the treason to which he had been a victim. He felt as if he had been respited on the very scaffold. Yes; he was a man like all other men, and so he would still be.

"The orders were," said the captain of the gate, as though he thought a word might be said here for his defence, "the orders were, my lord, that the tigers should be kept fierce and accustomed to killing." "Then, if you have obeyed orders, let me be the last to chide you. But it is my pleasure that this woman be respited, and I wish now to question her."

It was prophesied, moreover, that all they of the castle and all other castles whereof this one was the guardian should hold the old law until such time as the Good Knight should come, by whom their souls should be saved and their death respited. For, so soon as he should be come, they should run to be baptized, and should firmly believe the new law.

In the cool of the winding stairway of steel which led, lighted by electricity, to the trap-door and the ladder down into the tremendous vaults, the world-masters breathed deeply once more, respited from death. Herzog, screaming like a fiend in torment, clawed at the impenetrable steel door, raved, begged, entreated, and tore his fingers on the lock.

When the news that Porteous was respited for six weeks was announced, a roar of rage and mortification arose, but speedily subsided into stifled mutterings as the people slowly dispersed.

The two first of the three gentlemen were shot to death, and the third respited. Thus ended the siege of Colchester. Lord Capell. Lord Loughbro'. 11 Knights. 9 Colonels. 8 Lieut.-Colonels. 9 Majors. 30 Captains. 72 Lieutenants. 69 Ensigns. 183 Serjeants and Corporals. 3,067 Private Soldiers. 65 Servants to the Lords and General Officers and Gentlemen. 3,526 in all.