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Charles then returned upon deck and summoned the crew around him he stated in a few words what was their captain's conclusion then, with an elevation of mind, dictated by a soul formed for enterprise and noble daring, he observed, "if you will place yourselves under my command, and stand by me, I have conceived a plan by which the ship may be rescued, and we in turn become the conquerors."

There would speedily be a yelling crowd on the stairs if I denounced you as the man who had rescued Mademoiselle St. Clair." Seth looked for some change of expression in his companion's face, but it did not come. Fear never caught at this man's heart. "I think there would," said Latour, "if you could make the crowd believe it." "You can make the mob believe anything at the present moment."

She could not forget her night of agony in the house amongst the marshes beyond Ratcliff Highway; she could not cease to lament the loss of that noble friend who had rescued her in the hour of her despair. The world wondered at the prolonged widowhood of the mistress of Raynham.

Three members, who had formerly voted against the ministry, afterwards voted for it and rescued it. In all the divisions, the bulk of the opposition voted for and the bulk of its own party against the ministry.

The lancers were Poles the most terrible warriors I have ever seen, and, to speak truth, our friends, and our brothers. They never turned from us in our hour of need; they gave us the last drop of their blood. And what have we done for their unhappy country? When I think of our ingratitude, my heart bleeds. The Poles rescued us.

Spending her time partly in the great Italian cities, but chiefly on her beloved scoglio superbo, the widow of Pescara now set herself to write that series of sonnets in memory of her dead husband which have rescued his unworthy name from oblivion and have rendered her own famous in Italian literature.

Animal after animal was made fast that is all but one and that bore on its back two rather large but light boxes the contents of the case which Tom had rescued from the fire in the hold. "What are you going to do with mule?" asked Ned, as he saw Tom begin to lead the animal away, the others having been pegged out. "I'm going to take him over to the rocks with me.

They that lead the domestic mode of life are rescued from all sins by a study of the Vedas, as also by gifts of other kinds, as declared by the wise. O thou of the royal order, a Brahmana that is sinful in conduct, becomes rescued from all his sins by the study of the Vedas if he betakes himself to the forest mode of life and abstains from attachment of every kind.

Mentezufis rescued him by asking quickly, "What wouldst Thou say, worthiness, were we to make a treaty with Assyria, yielding northern Asia and Phoenicia?" While asking this question, he had his eyes fixed on the face of the heir. But Ramses answered him with perfect calmness, "I should say that only traitors could persuade the pharaoh to make such a treaty." Both priests started up.

Absent from her husband, and dependent on the cold mercy of heathen women, she was indeed an object of pity. But from the borders of the grave she was raised up when all around thought her beyond the reach of hope. The hand of God reached down to the borders of the grave and rescued her from death, and placed her upon earth again, a fruitful laborer in the vineyard of her Master.