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On all this, however, we suspend our judgment for the present, remarking merely that we are not prepared to quit our present amount and plan of protection without DEMONSTRATION that we cannot fairly or prudently retain it. In the meantime let us hope and struggle for the best, for the maintenance either of the present law, or of a scale substantially equivalent.

"Ah, it is really a serious matter, then?" asked the marquis, remarking the cloud on Villefort's brow. "So serious that I must take leave of you for a few days; so," added he, turning to Renee, "judge for yourself if it be not important." "You are going to leave us?" cried Renee, unable to hide her emotion at this unexpected announcement. "Alas," returned Villefort, "I must!"

Though I can drink no wine, I can feel good sentiments." One could not help remarking his fixed serenity of face and voice and manner as he went on: "Some time ago it came to my ear that he thought me a tyrant wallowing in vulgar and ill-gotten luxury." There was a little stir in those heads around the table, and in every hand and face one might have seen evidence of quickened pulses.

I thought, to be sure, we had got rid of him; and though he deserved what was said to him, I was sorry for him. Moodie took his dinner, quietly remarking, "I wonder he could find it in his heart to leave those fine peas and potatoes." He then went back to his work in the bush, and I cleared away the dishes, and churned, for I wanted butter for tea. About four o'clock, Mr. Malcolm entered the room.

Gorman a few things, when all of a sudden Zimick drew his 45 colt revolver remarking as he did so, "Here is the last of Jack Zimick." He placed the gun to his head and before we could reach him he pulled the trigger, and his brains were scattered all over the room. They arrested Mr. Gorman and myself and held up for a short time until things could be explained. Mr.

I remember remarking to my comrade that we had not done so badly over our cooking after all, but perhaps it was only the hunger that made us think so.

Oh, why could he not have told me about them? I should have prized them so." She lifted them from their snowy bed with reverent touch, remarking, as she did so, the size and great beauty of the diamond in the engagement-ring. "My dear, deeply wronged mother! how I should have loved you!" she murmured.

It is really the identical difficulty, stated a little more pretentiously, which the "rationalist" author of The Churches and Modern Thought presents to us by remarking that in all our experience that which makes up personality is "connected with nerve structures," so that we cannot attribute such a quality to "a Being who is described to us as devoid of any nerve structure."

I want you to find out just how you are situated in regard to the gentleman we have been remarking upon, and, to be plain, I've set my heart on your marrying him. "'Mr. Angier, announced a servant in the doorway. We had been so busily engaged in our discussion that we had not heard the bell. My aunt rose and retreated. 'It's only Angier, excuse me to him, and she glided though a side door.

Our route lay through a dreary, yet romantic country, which the distress of my own mind prevented me from remarking particularly, and which, therefore, I will not attempt to describe. The lofty peak of Ben Lomond, here the predominant monarch of the mountains, lay on our right hand, and served as a striking landmark.