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In a lucid moment of his scientific consciousness, which soon reverted to the old abstract and metaphysical theories, he announced in an introductory statement in 1879, that criminal justice would have to rejuvenate itself in the pure bath of the natural sciences and substitute in place of abstraction the living and concrete study of facts.

Just when the March showers were beginning to rejuvenate the earth she drew away from the town; and Cartier, who stood on the wall watching her go forth, wondered what the end would be. It could only be tragic. No company could live through two dreary winters on a lonely island without losing some of their number, and he doubted not that all were dead.

"It certainly would not rejuvenate her," said Henri, finishing the sentence. "Marquis, you are very impertinent," said the duenna, laughing. "As a penalty, you must lend me five louis." "With the greatest pleasure." "Thank you!" And, as a new hand was about to be dealt, Heloise seated herself at one of the tables. This time Paul Landry put fifteen thousand francs in the bank.

By all means I advise the latter to take the operation because I feel that it will rejuvenate her. If a woman has had both ovaries removed by surgical operation, will this operation grow new ovaries for her, and enable her to become a mother? At this stage of my knowledge my answer is, "Certainly not." If a man has lost both glands by surgical removal will this operation grow new glands for him?

The mere passing of time since Aunt Susan's death had gradually worked a change in her condition, which Luther's presence and the stimulating quality of his words, John's absence, the intoxication of the wild and unfettered storm, the visit to Nathan Hornby's, and the invigorating personality of Hugh Noland had combined to rejuvenate in the crushed and beaten girl.

It seems to rejuvenate the organism so that it is able to go on with its division and thus fulfil its life-mission which is the same for these lowly animals as with the higher, that of perpetuating the species. Classes of Protozoa. The group or Phylum Protozoa is divided into four smaller groups or classes. The amoeba belongs to the lowest of these, the Rhizopoda.

She moistened full red lips, while a faint colour lit her cheeks, under the deep stain of tan and a tiger-lily powdering of freckles. Then, having seen the weary Joseph visibly rejuvenate in the brief sunshine of her glance, she turned away, and gave her whole attention to the donkeys. "Hungry, Joseph?" I asked. He had to bethink himself before he could answer.

As a slight relief, and to answer a question raised a little earlier in the paper, I am suggesting the sports those activities that both rejuvenate the physical man and also "divert and make mirth." Into these we can not carry our teaching and our preaching and our making of social calls.

The Y. M. C. A. is, he says, a group of social workers rather than of missionaries in the old-fashioned sense all of which is quite encouraging. Perhaps the Chinese will be the ones to rejuvenate Christianity by dropping its rot, wet and dry, and changing it into a social religion. The principal is a Teachers College man and one of the most influential educators in China.

The same force of character which made him super-burglar could change him from criminal to man if by chance they could be enlisted in the endeavour. He had involved the wife he had married in his misfortunes. She had been a good woman, weaker than he, yet she stuck to him. God chose the weak thing to rejuvenate the strong. In the prison he had enjoyed abundant leisure for reflection.