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"And if Elma Heath again falls into his unscrupulous hands, she will die," I declared. "Ah!" he sighed, looking me straight in the face, "I fear that what you say is only too true. She evidently holds some secret which he fears she will reveal. He wishes to rearrest her in order well " he added in a low tone, "in order to close her lips.

They sent Sterling Hopkins, a vainglorious, witless, overzealous wight, to rearrest Maloney. Coleman was not responsible for this; nor were the Vigilantes in a larger sense, for a few hotheads in temporary command issued the order. Hopkins, glorying in the quest, for any errand of authority made him big with pride, set out alone to execute it. He found Maloney in the office of Dr.

The guardia civil could rearrest individuals and again charge them with crimes of which they had already been acquitted.

One day an American friend of mine had gone to the Police Station with a young Korean girl who had been summoned to appear on what was called a "rearrest charge." For the Japanese feel perfectly free to rearrest a person even after that person has been proven innocent of a charge. A Korean may be rearrested any time. He can never feel free.

Trenchard was second cousin to that famous John Trenchard, so lately tried for treason and acquitted to the great joy of the sectaries of the West, and still more lately but yesterday, in fact fled the country to escape the rearrest ordered in consequence of that excessive joy.

Had he reflected that it would be dangerous to run while so near the prison from which he had just escaped? Or was he of opinion that as an opportunity of flight had been willingly furnished him, there was no danger of immediate rearrest? This was a point Lecoq could not decide.

"Just when everything looked most favourable to their restored peace and happiness, I shocked Miss Carmel and, through her, this Zadok, into the belief that the whole agony was to be gone over again, in the rearrest and consequent trial of the man she still loves, in spite of all that has happened to separate them. "He was not proof against this new responsibility.

"Who is that man the one leaning against the door jamb, just behind Slim Leroy?" she asked. "He's a fellow that calls himself Johnson. His real name is Struve," Jed answered carelessly. "He's the man that shot the Texas lieutenant," she said. "I dare say. He's got a good reason for shooting him. The man broke out of the Arizona penitentiary, and Fraser came north to rearrest him.

"Mademoiselle fears rearrest, and the only house in Petersburg that the police never suspect is this. Therefore I send her to you, knowing that with your generosity you will help her in her distress." "It is all arranged," was her Highness's response. "She will remain here, poor girl, until it is safe for her to get out of Russia."

They lunched together at the Restaurant du Nord opposite the landing stage, and an hour later left by steamer for Petersburg." "An Englishman!" I cried. "Did you not inform the Chief of Police, Boranski?" "Yes, your Excellency. But he said that their passports being in order it was better to allow the lady to proceed. To delay her might mean her rearrest in Finland," he added.