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With this end in view, he set one of his comrades, who had escaped from the Fort with him, to watch with the utmost caution and secrecy every manoeuvre of the wretch and his companion; fully satisfied, as he was, that both the rascals were determined to follow in the wake of the army, for purposes already mentioned.

Tho' Matt was the littlest man of my acquaintance, 'twas the work of the world to stow ourselves in such compass as to be hidden. By coiling up our limbs we managed it; but only just before I caught the glimmer of a light and heard the pair of rascals returning. They came very slow, grumbling all the way; and of course, I knew they carried the coffin. "All right, Sim?" ask'd the minister.

They all united to fight the Black-Horse Cavalry, as the gang of "strike" legislators was called. One of the most insidious bills pushed by these rascals aimed at reducing the fares on the New York Elevated Railway from ten cents to five cents. It seemed so plausible! So entirely in the interest of the poor man!

What is this felonious-looking band up to these four determined rascals in the forbidden high-lows and stable overalls who go slinking mysteriously out at the back gate just at the gloaming? Are they Fenian sympathisers bound for a secret meeting, or are they deserters making off just at the time when there is the least likelihood of suspicion?

"Well," said I, with a laugh, which surprised the rascals mightily, "now you've captured your elephant, what do you propose to do with him?" Without answering, the men shambled down to the landing place of the fort, jostling me along between the red-faced man and Louis Laplante.

"Will you take care what you are about up there, you old baggage!" "Alfred!" retorted Mrs. Pipelet, bawling in a voice sharp enough to split the tympanum of a deaf man. "Alfred! have at 'em, old darling! They wanted to behave improperly to thy 'Stasie! Those rascals would take liberties with me! Pitch into them with your broom! call the oyster-woman and the potboy next door to help you.

My horse is loose in the yard, and I'm afraid you'll scare him off. He's shy with strangers." The two men measured glances. "I thought you traveled afoot when pursuing your real estate business," sneered the stranger. "I do, when it suits my purposes," replied Chamberlain. "What game are you up to, anyway, in this disgusting country?" inquired the other. "Ridding it of rascals.

"We might as well be snugging down as doing nothing; and perhaps the sight will put some life into the movements of those lazy rascals yonder," pointing with his cigar as he spoke towards the boats. "Possibly," I agreed.

"Now, unfortunately for the mandarin, it chanced that these three sailors were about the greatest rascals on board; which is saying a good deal when one considers the ordinary moral standard that prevails in the forecastle of a sailing-ship.

If I had been the Egyptians, the Israelites would have been escorted out of the country in state at the arrival of the first fly. England has done a marvellous good to Egypt by her training. She has taken a lot of worthless rascals and educated them to work at something, no matter if it does take five of them to call a cab.