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The carriage swayed at high speed round three sharp corners in succession before the Rangar spoke again. "She has often heard of you," he said then. That was not unlikely, but not necessarily true either. If it were true, it did not help to account for the puzzled look in the Rangar's eyes, that increased rather than diminished. "I've heard of her," said King. "Of course! Who has not?

Never an Afridi spake his own tongue better!" "Yet does a Hillman slip? Would a Hillman use Punjabi words in a careless moment?" "God forbid!" "Therefore, thou dunderhead, I will be a Rangar Rajput, a stranger in a strange land, traveling by her favor to visit her in Khinjan!

"She has jolly well gone North!" said the Rangar suddenly, and King shut his teeth with a snap. He sat bolt upright, and the Rangar allowed himself to look amused. "When? Why?" "She was too jolly well excited to wait, sahib! She is of the North, you know. She loves the North, and the men of the 'Hills'; and she knows them because she loves them. She was in a great stew, I can assure you.

The oath of a Rajput, of a Rangar, of a soldier, of a zemindar of the House of Kachwaha; the oath of a man to a man, sahib; the promise of thy father's friend to thy father's son! Bahadur" he drew himself to his full height, and clicked his spurs together "I am thy servant!" Cunningham saluted.

How long is it since you shaved? Your chin is all prickly!" They were interrupted by a roar from the three waiting squadrons. He had ridden without caring where he went, and his mare had borne the two of them to where the squadrons were drawn up with their rear to the great gap in the wall. The situation suited every Rangar of them! That was, indeed, the way a man should win his woman!

If only every laboring man had a dozen babies there'd be less strikes," Rangar finished, not exactly callously, but in a matter-of-fact way. If he had thought of it he might have added, "and a sick wife." Rangar would not have hesitated to provide each striker with the babies and the wife, purely as a strike-breaking measure, if he could have managed the matter. "They're improvident," said Mr.

"Bonbright," said his father, "Rangar has just discovered that your secretary this Miss Frazer lives in the same house with Dulac the strike leader.... She comes of a family of disturbers herself. Probably she is very useful to Dulac where she is. Therefore you will dismiss her at once." "But, father " "You will dismiss her at once personally."

A sword-armed Rangar with a little gold lace on his sleeve laughed loud as he saluted, greeting Mahommed Gunga first. The Risaldar accepted his salute with iron dignity. "Forgive him, sahib!" he whispered to Cunningham. "The jungli knows no better! He will learn whom to salute first when Alwa has said his say!"

The blind was drawn upward and in a moment all was normal again with the punkah swinging slowly overhead, except that the seductive smell remained, that was like the early-morning breath of all the different flowers of India. "If she were here," said the Rangar, a little grimly with a trace of disappointment in his tone "you would not snatch your eyes away like that!

She bade me come and bid you good-by, sahib. I would have stayed in there, but she commanded me. She said, 'Tell King sahib my love was true. Tell him I give him India and all Asia that were at my mercy! " While the Rangar spoke there came three more earth tremors in swift succession, and a thunder out of Khinjan as if the very "Hills" were coming to an end.