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The Duke of Rothsay, deeply plunged in thought, received this intimation so coldly, that Ramorny took the liberty of remonstrating. "This, my lord," he said, "is playing the spoiled child of fortune. You wish for liberty; it comes. You wish for beauty; it awaits you, with just so much delay as to render the boon more precious.

The safer for myself, perhaps. I carried letters from the Duke of Albany and from Sir John Ramorny to the Douglas, and he looked black as a northern tempest when he opened them. I brought them answers from the Earl, at which they smiled like the sun when the harvest storm is closing over him. Go to your ephemerides, leech, and conjure the meaning out of that."

"Ramorny was employed in my service, I think that answer may satisfy my uncle." "But it will not satisfy me," said the angry father. "God knows, I never coveted man's blood, but that Ramorny's head I will have, if law can give it. He has been the encourager and partaker of all thy numerous vices and follies. I will take care he shall be so no more. Call MacLouis, with a guard."

This was that celebrated Lindsay, Earl of Crawford, who, in his after days, was known by the epithet of the Tiger Earl, and who ruled the great and rich valley of Strathmore with the absolute power and unrelenting cruelty of a feudal tyrant. Two or three gentlemen, friends of the Earl, or of his own, countenanced Sir John Ramorny by their presence on this occasion.

The question is worth asking, for I am good for little to aid the defence, unless you could prevail on the besiegers to take physic he, he, he! and Bonthron is as drunk as ale and strong waters can make him; and you, he, and I make up the whole garrison who are disposed for resistance." "How! Will the other dogs not fight?" said Ramorny.

"So, my lord, part you so soon from the Fair Maid of Perth? This is, indeed, the very wantonness of victory." "There is neither victory nor defeat in the case," returned the Prince, drily. "The girl loves me not; nor do I love her well enough to torment myself concerning her scruples." "The chaste Malcolm the Maiden revived in one of his descendants!" said Ramorny.

Dismiss this Ramorny before the day is ten minutes older; his company is most dangerous." "What reason have you for saying this?" "None in especial," answered Catharine, abashed at her own eagerness "none, perhaps, excepting my fears for your safety." "To vague fears the heir of Bruce must not listen. What, ho! who waits without?"

The same train of reasoning, again, rests the guilt with the household of Sir John Ramorny. How think you, sirs? Are we not free to charge the crime upon them?"

Dwining sat down, and in a few minutes wrote a letter, which he handed to Sir John Ramorny. "Why, the devil has aided thee, Dwining," said the knight. "Listen, my dear lord.

Your slave will find a suitable device, and stand for the truth of it." "The thought maddens me," said Ramorny, with another groan of mental and bodily agony; "yet I see no better remedy." "There is none other," said the leech, to whose evil nature his patron's distress was delicious nourishment.