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One day, after he had delivered himself of a quip that set my teeth on edge, I said to him, appealingly: "Why should you be saying these things, rabbi?" "If you don't like them you can stop your God-fearing ears," he fired back, good-naturedly

He badgered the others until they threw bark at him and menaced him with their peaveys. Always he had at his tongue's end the proper quip for the occasion, so that in the long run the work was lightened by him.

But Joe felt he was being robbed of the fruits of his effort, and promptly insisted upon his riddle. "What's the diff'rence between Wild Bill an' Minky?" he asked again, this time with added emphasis. He waited impatiently until one of the men shook his head, when he snatched at the opportunity of firing his quip.

That convalescent visitor practically lived on the veranda, though, while preposterously weak and shaky in the legs, he had for some time insisted on coming in to join them at the table at meals. The first warning Sheldon had of the other's growing interest in the girl was when Tudor eased down and finally ceased pricking him with his habitual sharpness of quip and speech.

When he roused me out this mornin' to go gaddin', I planned to swing around this way en let you all he'p me. But from the looks of things, you folks musta got word that we were comin' en are makin' a hasty move to avoid sich a visit." The men may have smiled at Landy's quip but Maizie laughed aloud. "It's the other way," she said.

Bread an' coffee an' oatmeal is all anybody needs for breakfast." If she expected a reply from her niece, she was disappointed, for Lucy did not speak. "When you can get sixty-six cents a dozen for eggs, it's no time to be eatin' 'em," Ellen continued irritably. "You ain't come to live with a Rockefeller, Miss." Receiving no answer to the quip, she drew a chair to the table and sat down.

"Oh, pass it off with a light laugh and a genial quip. Just say: 'Oh, here you are! or something. You know the sort of thing." "It will be terrible." "Not a bit of it. Why should you feel embarrassed? He must have realised by now that you acted in the only possible way. It was absurd his ever expecting you to marry him.

To joke and quip seemed to him beneath the dignity of men. It is, rather, the safety-valve of a highly intelligent people the outlet for their ironic perceptions of life. The most amusing songs of the war that I have heard were given by the poilus on a little stage near Commercy while the cannon thundered a few miles away.

Often, in the midst of the exchange of merry quip and whimsical suggestion, bright blossoms on that tree of strength and knowledge which he felt expanding now with a mighty outward pushing in all directions, he would lapse into deep gravity, and ponder with a swelling heart the vast unspeakable marvel of his blessedness, in being thus enriched and humanized by daily communion with the most worshipful of womankind.

Now I was a philosopher, full of serenity and ease. I had found a refuge from humor, from the hot chase of the shy quip, from the degrading pursuit of the panting joke, from the restless reach after the nimble repartee. I had not known Heffelbower well. When he came back, I let him talk, fearful that he might prove to be a jarring note in the sweet, dirgelike harmony of his establishment.