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They saw a look of puzzlement on his face which gradually gave place to a broad grin. "What's up?" asked somebody. "By George," he exclaimed, lowering the glass, "that's funny." He raised the glass again and this time his shoulders shook. "I didn't know anybody out on the links could be as funny as that," one of the girls observed.

Athwart the field of her abstracted vision drifted the figure of young Mr. Karslake. She was barely conscious of it. He seated himself with plain premeditation directly opposite the caisse, staring openly. But Sofia did not heed him at all. An odd smile shadowed his lips, an expression half eager, half apprehensive; there was a hint of puzzlement in his scrutiny.

Her expression and attitude were slightly puzzled a puzzlement that was either spontaneous or singularly well assumed. As their hands touched she smiled again. "Will you drop in at the 'Arcadian' to-night?" she said. "It's the dramatized version of 'Other Men's Shoes! The temptation to make you see it was too irresistible as you know."

I could see that this was not the old puzzlement, but something new and heavy, so we held our peace. Long was he before he moved or spoke, and when he did so it was wearily. "Well knew I that somewhat was to happen to me in this town, even as I told you, brother, when we first passed its gates. And now it seems to be coming to pass.

"I'm glad to hear it," he replied mechanically. He was drinking her in, all the grace and loveliness and wonder of her, himself quite unconscious of the intensity of his gaze. She accepted the mute tribute untroubled; but there was a suggestion of puzzlement in the frown which began to pucker her forehead. "You're really the station-agent?" she asked with a slight emphasis upon the adverb. "Yes.

They fingered them in puzzlement. "Honorables," Mayer said, "the barons have the use of gunpowder. Muskets and muzzleloading cannon are available to them both for their wars against each other and their occasional attacks upon our supposedly independent cities. However, this is an advancement on their weapons.

The hardness under his right hip was a welcome surprise; they hadn't taken his pistol from him! Feigning even more puzzlement and weakness, he clutched his knees with his elbows and leaned his head forward on them, trying to collect his thoughts. "We shall have to give up, Gregory," a voice trembled with disappointment. "Why, Anthony?" The new voice was deeper, more aggressive. "Look.

"Ah played haunt!" the confession came out of the swamper in a rush. "Then you were my faceless ghost?" Jeems tried to nod and the action printed a frown of pain between his eyes. "Why? Didn't you want us to live there?" asked Ricky gently. "Ah was huntin' " "What for?" The frown became one of puzzlement. "Ah don't know " His voice trailed off into a thin whisper as his eyes closed wearily.

"But ... Long Canyon ..." There was a shade of puzzlement in his voice. "All right, carry on, Crow. I’ll try to get back to the Stronghold before you pull southif Johnny’s all right. Maybe I can bring him back with me." The grulla made what was close to a standing leap into a gallop and Rennie flashed along the line of wagons in the opposite direction toward Tubacca.

He went over in his mind again and again the serene calmness of her in his cabin that day of the race with Courtrey, and shook his head in puzzlement. But why should he trouble himself about her at all? He had come here in his Government's service to reclaim its forest, to look after its interest. Why should he bother with the moral code of Lost Valley?