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Priscilla looked at Mrs. Morrison, opened her mouth to say something, shut it, opened it again, and remarked very lamely that the heart alone knows its own bitterness. "Psha," said Mrs. Morrison, greatly incensed at having the Scriptures, her own speciality, quoted at her. "I'd like to know what bitterness yours has known, unless it's the bitterness of a bad conscience.

Dearest old mother, what a pride will you have, if I can do anything worthy of our name I and you, Laura, you won't scorn me as the worthless idler and spendthrift, when you see that I when I have achieved a psha! what an Alnaschar I am because I have made five pounds by my poems, and am engaged to write half a dozen articles for a newspaper.

Mollett senior shook under the bedclothes as his attention became turned to this very dreary aspect of his affairs. "Pluck, indeed! I'll tell you what it is, Aby, I often wonder at my own pluck." "Psha! Would'nt a word from you split upon him, and upon her, and upon the young 'un, and ruin 'em? Or a word from me either, for the matter of that?" Mr. Mollett senior shook again.

"Psha!" he said, a little nettled in his turn, "do you suppose I have never written to a Bishop before?" "That is not the point; any invitation of this kind should always be given by me. The Bishop, if he has any breeding, will be very much astonished to receive an invitation to lunch that is not given by the lady of the house. This, at least, is the usage that prevails among persons of breeding."

Shall WE have rest in those bedrooms, those ancient lofty bedrooms, in that inn where we have to pay a florin for a pint of pa psha! at the "New Bath Hotel" on the Boompjes? If this dreary edifice is the "New Bath," what must the Old Bath be like?

If they side against you in this instance, it must be because justice is against you. A man like you is not going to set up sic volo sic jubeo as the sole law in his family!" "Psha, George!" cries the General. "For though we are parted, God forbid I should desire that we should cease to love each other. I had your promise that you would not seek to see her."

"Pray, then, what is it that you have been grumbling about, ever since you have joined the ship?" "Psha! they were only petty vexations, but now we are at sea. I shall be sea-sick. I am always obliged to throw off the accumulation of bile whenever I go out of harbour." "I say, doctor," replied Pearce, "can you stop up the leak in that little gentleman's liver?

Let us see." Marchdale lifted up the head, and disclosed such a mass of clotted-looking blood, that Tom Eccles at once took to his heels, nor stopped until he was nearly as far off as the ruins. Marchdale followed him more slowly, and when he came up to him, he said, "The slugs have taken effect on his face." "I know it I know it. Don't tell me." "He looks horrible." "And I am a murderer." "Psha!

Of her age she had never spoken to Montague. She was in truth over thirty, perhaps almost as near thirty-five as thirty. But she was one of those whom years hardly seem to touch. 'You are beautiful as ever you were, he said. 'Psha! Do not tell me of that. I care nothing for my beauty unless it can bind me to your love.

I couldn't help his writing to me. It wasn't my fault." "Psha!" "If you are angry, I am very sorry. But you haven't a right to be angry." "Go on, Dorothy; go on. I'm so weak that I can hardly stir myself; it's the first moment that I've been out of my bed for weeks; and of course you can say what you please. I know what it will be.