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He made no comment in words, but she interpreted his uncontrollable gesture of angry protest, and answered it. "It's not a question of conscientious scruples; keeping my word, not betraying a confidence; anything like that. A year ago if she'd made such a request I'd have paid no attention to it.

It is the human spirit which takes from age to age the form of the great revolts of history; it has been in turn, and sometimes altogether, error, illusion, heresy, schism, protest, and the truth.

Apparently, furthermore, it was a story which, as it developed, became less and less agreeable to the mind of John; for his face, at first all awake with interest, all aglow with pleasure, gradually sobered, gradually darkened, took on a frown, expressed dissent, expressed disapprobation, till, finally, with an impatient movement, he interrupted, and began speaking rapidly, heatedly to protest, to remonstrate.

It was delivered on July 14, 1814, in opposition to the second reading of the Alien Acts, which in spite of such a protest quickly became law. His comments were concise and characteristic. 'He considered the Act to be one which was very liable to abuse.

We are here under protest, and we very much wonder how our people could ever have invited such rabble!" "I always feel small in a tea-room when there are only met in attendance," whispered Mr. Scobel, "they are so haughty. I would sooner ask Gladstone or Disraeli to pour me out a cup of tea than one of those supercilious creatures."

The trees fought the blast with impotent arms, and shrieked and groaned their protest against it Flying boughs, like great grotesque birds, went hurtling through the air. As the brief March day fell towards its close, the storm seemed suddenly to double in fury.

Then, before she could protest or detain him for an explanation, he turned from her and went out into the darkness.

Brooks presented a formal protest, signed by every Democratic member present, "against any and every action tending to the organization of this House until the absent States be more fully represented." He asked that it be entered upon the Journal as the protest of the minority of the House.

And, putting the piece of official transportation in his pocket, the conductor moved along through the car. With dismay and a feeling of foreboding, Bob watched the conductor go from his car with the precious pass. He dared not protest; indeed, the thought of the proper way to make an objection did not occur to him.

Heywood's solemn protest, as an American citizen on behalf of himself and the other members of the perfunctory Republican Committee of his County against the wholesale disfranchisement of the Mormons, on the ground that it would only delay a progressive American settlement of the territory!