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*Effects of a One-sided Diet.*—The plan of the body is such as to require a mixed diet, and all of the great classes of nutrients are necessary. If one could subsist on any single class, it would be proteids, for proteids are able both to rebuild tissue and to supply energy.

In the percentage of fat present in different kinds and cuts of meat, a greater difference exists than in the percentage of proteids. The lowest percentage of fat is 8.1 per cent. in the shank of beef; the highest is 32 per cent. in pork chops. The highest priced cuts, loin and ribs of beef, contain 20 to 25 per cent.

His animals feed upon the proteids, and perform his work or furnish him with milk. Then his bacteria stock take the excreted or refuse nitrogen, and in his manure heap turn it back again into nitrates ready to begin the circle once more.

He studied the composition of food-stuffs, and knew exactly how many proteids and carbohydrates his body needed; and by scientific chewing he said that he tripled the value of all he ate, so that it cost him eleven cents a day.

Other digestive secretions from the pancreatic gland and the liver are poured into the small intestine near its origin. These digestive juices act on the proteids, sugars, starches and fats, changing them into substances that are capable of being absorbed.

She reared upon the dune a dark green parasol with a white border, and patted sand around the curved handle until it was, as she thought, firmly placed. Then she settled her skirts comfortably and opened her book, for the first time. "It looks bad," she mused. "Wonder what a carbohydrate is. And proteids where do you buy 'em? Albuminoids I've been from Maine to Florida and have never seen any.

For simplicity's sake, however, these will be left out of consideration. These products of plant life consist of such materials as sugar, starches, fats, and proteids, all of which have been manufactured by the plant from the ingredients furnished it from the soil and air, and through the agency of the sun's rays. These products of plant life now form foods for the animal kingdom.

The mucous membrane lining presents a large absorbing surface and is well supplied with absorbing vessels that take up the sugars, proteids and fats, which are finally distributed to the body cells by the blood capillaries. In addition to these absorbing vessels the mucous membrane contains intestinal glands that secrete the intestinal juice.

Fat or grease, if taken first, tends to form a coating over the walls of the stomach and around the material to be digested. This prevents the juices from getting to and mixing with the foods upon which they are to act. Starch following the proteids, for the most part, does not so quickly come in contact with the gastric juice.

*Mackerel Proteids. 23.5 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 6.7 Salts. 1.0 *Cod Proteids. 27.0 Starches.0.0 Fats.0.3 Salts.22.0 *White of Egg Proteids. 20.4 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 1.6 *Yolk of Egg Proteids. 16.0 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 30.7 Salts. 1.3 *Cow's Milk Proteids. 4.2 Starches. 4.5 Fats. 3.7 Salts. 0.7 *Cheese Proteids. 28.0 Starches. 1.0 Fats. 23.0 Salts. 7.0