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The truth is, of course, that his faith is often of the very first importance that it will colour his conduct of the forensic combats before him even more than his politics, his capacity to digest proteids or the social aspirations of his wife.

An example of such is found in the proteids of the blood which, as a colloidal solution, pass through the capillary walls to become a part of the lymph.

The latter are dissolved in the water and include, besides several salts, three active chemical agentshydrochloric acid, pepsin, and rennin. Pepsin is the enzyme which acts upon proteids, but it is able to act only in an acid medium—a condition which is supplied by the hydrochloric acid. Mixed with the hydrochloric acid it converts the proteids into peptones and proteoses.

*Celery Proteids. 1.5 Starches. 0.8 Fats. 0.4 Salts. 0.8 *French Beans Proteids. 23.7 Starches. 55.6 Fats. 2.2 Salts. 3.7 *Lima Beans Proteids. 21.9 Starches. 60.0 Fats. 1.9 Salts. 2.9 *Green Peas Proteids. 6.3 Starches. 12.0 Fats. 0.5 Salts. 0.8 *Lentils Proteids. 24.8 Starches. 54.7 Fats. 1.8 Salts. 2.4 *Wheat Flour Proteids. 11.6 Starches. 71.0 Fats. 1.3 Salts. 1.6

*Relative Quantity of Nutrients Needed.*—Proteids, carbohydrates, and fats are the nutrients that supply most of the body’s nourishment. The most hygienic diet is the one which supplies the proteids in sufficient quantity to rebuild the tissues and the carbohydrates and fats in the right amounts to supply the body with energy.

The cooking had to be done in two large net-barking cauldrons over open fires under the trees; and as the fall deer hunt had been successful, and pork had not in those days assumed the present impossible prices, there were all kinds of joints, and no limit to proteids and carbohydrates.

These are the building foods, the sugars and starches, the fats, and the mineral foods. The building foods are those which help largely in forming new muscle and blood or other parts of the body. Proteids is another name for building foods. Sugars and starches are placed in one group because starch changes to sugar within the body.

Mere cooking is not enough, but good cooking is essential. Experiments. Experiments with the Proteids. Experiment 31. As a type of the group of proteids we take the white of egg, egg-white or egg-albumen. Break an egg carefully, so as not to mix the white with the yolk. Drop about half a teaspoonful of the raw white of egg into half a pint of distilled water.

In advanced life the tissue changes are slow, digestion is less active, and the ability to assimilate food is greatly diminished. Growth has ceased, the energy which induced activity is gone, and the proteids are no longer required to build up worn-out tissues. Hence, as old age approaches, the quantity of nitrogenous foods should be steadily diminished. Experiment 64.

An excess of fat in the milk is indicated by vomiting; too little fat causes constipation with dry hard stools. Proteids in excess are a prolific cause of colic and also of diarrhea. Prescription blanks are furnished the physician, who fills out the percentages of fat, milk-sugar, proteids, and alkalinity, to suit the age, weight, and general condition of the child.