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"Yes, we'll go into it to-morrow, Travers," said the colonel; "and then hullo, why, there's that confounded Frenchman again!" It was indeed; he came prancing back delicately, with a malicious enjoyment on his wrinkled face. "Once more I return to apologise," he said. "My poodle 'as permit 'imself ze grave indiscretion to make a very big 'ole at ze bottom of ze garden!"

Shelby paid no more attention to her than he paid to the quarreling jays in the holly trees, and the order was sharply repeated. "Oh, are you a-speakin' to me, ma'am?" he then said. "Certainly. I wish my dog handed to me." Shelby looked at the pampered poodle and then at its mistress. Then with a guileless smile remarked: "Now you don't sesso?

Even before the colonel made his appearance I had begun to see that my enemy, the poodle, occupied an exceptional position in that household. It was abundantly clear by the time I took my leave. I may be wrong, but I cannot think that it is wise to put any poodle upon such a pedestal as that.

"I am passionately fond of art!" Rowland smiled sympathetically, and let them turn to Roderick's statue. He glanced again at the young sculptor, to invite him to bestir himself, but Roderick was still gazing wide-eyed at the beautiful young mistress of the poodle, who by this time had looked up and was gazing straight at him.

His terrible hairy hand held a tiny silver coffee-pot, and he was followed by a poodle which greatly embarrassed his steps a valiant and classic poodle, the poodle of blind clarionet-players, a poor beggar's poodle, a poodle clipped like a lion, with hairy ruffles on his four paws, and a white mustache like a general of the Gymnase.

A little ferri carb. ammon., added to this is all that is required. The poodle dog Chitané is rapidly changing the colour of its hair. All the parts corresponding to the ribs and neck are rapidly becoming red; the majority of country dogs are of this colour.

His grey whiskers looked unkempt, and his hair was unbrushed, as though he had just got out of bed. And his study with pillows on the sofa, with stacks of papers in the corners, and with a dirty invalid poodle lying under the table, produced the same impression of unkemptness and untidiness as himself. "M. Laptev wants to see you," his daughter said to him, going into his study.

But a finely curled and scented poodle dog frisked up and nipped the calf of my leg just then, and before I had time to think, I had soused him to the bottom of the tank, and when I saw a servant coming with a pitcher I went off and left the pup trying to climb out and not succeeding very well.

"Because she was too busy. I was sitting in the window, watching for you, when the five o'clock boat left, and who should go on board, bag and baggage, valet and maid, dressing-bags and poodle, but Mrs. Cope and Trevenna. Just an hour and a half to pack up in! And you should have seen her when they started.

"Welcome, little Poldo," said the Giant; and his voice sounded like the wind in the treetops; "what seek you here?" "I seek some words of the Fairy Malvolia which were carried away by the northeast wind at Prince Rolandor's christening," replied the poodle. "Whew, oo-oo," whistled the Giant of the North Pole. "If I have them, the words are yours."