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"It is a matter of feeling, you see," said the parson, turning to the umpire; "and I believe the boy is right." "If it be a matter of feeling," replied Dr. Riccabocca, "there is no more to be said on it. When Feeling comes in at the door, Reason has nothing to do but to jump out of the window." "Go, my good boy," said the parson, pocketing the coin; "but, stop! give me your hand first.

Wallace's big, white, ringed hand touched the precious greenbacks so readily; here! they wanted another round of drinks; what did everybody want? Wherever they went, the scene was the same: heat, tobacco smoke, music; men drinking, women drinking, greenbacks changing hands, waiters pocketing tips. Who liked it? she asked herself bitterly.

When I come back, I want to know just where he is located, and all about him; who his friends are, and so on. There is more where this came from." "I understand," smoothly answered Emil, pocketing the bills with a grin. In the meantime Ferris had scribbled a few words on a card. He stopped the carriage. "Jump out and take a coupe, and get instantly down to Wall and Broad. You'll find Mr.

While he was pocketing his change at the receiving clerk's pigeon-hole, a cab rattled up with a horse at a gallop, and Stephen Hawk sprang out. Kent saw him through the plate-glass front and turned quickly to the public writing-desk, hoping to be overlooked. He was. For once in a way the ex-district attorney was too nearly rattled to be fully alert to his surroundings.

Tad's face flushed a vivid red, and he uttered a sharp exclamation. "What is it?" demanded Stacy. "Nothing much. Maybe I've made a discovery. Don't let's idle here. Let's go on and see if we can't get our bear. This seems to be our lucky day," said the boy, pocketing the stone and once more shouldering his rifle. "Come, mush, as Anvik would say."

Genslinger, after pocketing the Governor's hush money, had "sold him out." Keast, one quiver of indignation, made his way back upon the stage. The Leaguers were in wild confusion. Half the assembly of them were on their feet, bewildered, shouting vaguely. From proscenium wall to foyer, the Opera House was a tumult of noise.

Can I have my luggage sent there direct?" "By all means, sir." "Every article is properly labelled," Philip continued. "Those in my bedroom number sixty-seven are for the cabin, and those you have in your charge are for the hold." "That will be quite all right, sir," the man assured him pocketing his liberal tip. "I will see to the matter myself."

"Are you crazy?" "No," smiled the doctor. "Not at all. For the moment I reached the roof of the house, I opened my eyes, and found myself still swinging in the hammock under the trees." "And the moral?" queried the lieutenant. "You promised a moral, or I should not have listened." "Always have money in your pocket," replied the doctor, pocketing the last ball, and putting up his cue.

"Haven't I bin workin' like a naagur for two hours to git out of that hole, and ain't I playin' a tune on me pipe now? But I won't be cross-grained. I'll lind ye a hand av ye behave yerself. It's a bad thing to be cross-grained," he continued, pocketing his pipe and assisting to arrange the sledge; "me owld grandmother always towld me that, and she was wise, she wos, beyand ordn'r.

Besides which, after pocketing the coin, he kept him dangling about him for some days, bidding him by way of penance hear mass every morning at Santa Croce, and afterwards wait upon him at the breakfast-hour, after which he was free to do as he pleased for the rest of the day.