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"There, that's enough for one day a promise of sweets to come!" and she laughed again, with a hearty purr like a cat that has a mouse at its mercy. She rose and carried in the pan of potatoes we had just finished peeling. She wore shoes much too little for her plump feet ... and, when not abroad, let them yawn open unbuttoned.

She was having a real adventure; her dreams were coming true; she was a bona-fide heroine, in a bona-fide "situation." "What have we in the bag, best of Manuelas?" she asked. "I told you in a general way; I even added some trifles, for Carlos's comfort; poor dear Carlos! But tell me what you put in, my best one!" Manuela cast a rueful glance at the plump valise.

It was of Dennison that the plump newspaper man had been subconsciously thinking ever since he had entered Hogarty's immaculate little office; it was of Dennison that he always thought whenever he saw that bad light kindling in the ex-lightweight's eyes. Dennison was the promoter who had backed Jed The Red from the day when the latter had fought his first fight.

His complexion was brick-red, a few wrinkles had gathered about his eyes, but he had the smooth, plump hands of a stout man.

But a lady came in a woman of over forty, short and extremely plump, and still attractive with her small features and pretty smile swamped in fat. She was a blonde, with green, limpid eyes; and, fairly well dressed in a sober, nicely fitting mignonette gown, she looked at once pleasant, modest, and shrewd. "Ah! it's you, Stefana," said the old man, letting her kiss him.

One would think the drain on vitality would be enormous, but the animals are always plump and in condition. The same state of affairs obtains with the other two beasts named. The hartebeeste also carries ticks but not nearly in the same abundance; while such creatures as the waterbuck, impalla, gazelles and the smaller bucks seem either to be absolutely free from the pests, or to have a very few.

And glancing up quickly, he saw that a plump person sat on a fence-rail, busily engaged in staring at him. "How-dy do!" Chirpy Cricket piped; for the fat, four-legged person looked both cheerful and harmless. "I take it you're fond of music." The stranger, whose name was Mr. Meadow Mouse, smiled. "I won't dispute your statement," he said.

At first, when transferred from Robert Danforth's hand to the small finger of the child, this radiance grew so powerful that it positively threw the little fellow's shadow back against the wall. He, meanwhile, extended his plump hand as he had seen his father and mother do, and watched the waving of the insect's wings with infantine delight.

Around his neck he wore a high ruff, but in spite of this Trot could see that below his plump cheeks were several scarlet-edged slits that looked like the gills of fishes, for they gently opened and closed as the boy breathed in the water by which he was surrounded. These gills did not greatly mar the lad's delicate beauty, and he spread out his arms and bowed low and gracefully in greeting.

Ellsworthy was at least twenty years older than his wife a reserved individual, with a rather long and melancholy face. Mrs. Ellsworthy was plump, and round, and pretty kittenish some people called her. She was certainly fond of emphasizing her words, and of going into raptures, and her husband now only raised his eyebrows, and said, "Well, Kate?" in a somewhat lethargic voice. Mrs.