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Knowlton returned the book to his pocket and carefully buttoned the flap. "When that appeared," he continued, "efforts were made to get hold of Dexter, with the idea of showing him the photograph of the missing man and learning any additional details.

Letty was now using all her eyes to find out, and especially for the purpose of carrying away a mental photograph of Lady Maxwell's black hat and dress.

While the others were discussing small fruits with these transplanted Yankees, who proved quite as full of curiosity about us as we concerning them, I went down shore a hundred yards, struggling through the dense fringe of willows, to photograph a junk-boat just putting off into the stream.

Quietly he prepared to take the suggested photograph, and the hand that held the camera did not shake, though he could guess of what, by this time, George Trent and Virginia were talking with the convict under the palms.

From several letters from my mother, and one from Aunt Fanny, I hear you are seeing a good deal of the family since I left. I hope sometimes you think of the member who is absent. I got a silver frame for your photograph in New York, and I keep it on my desk.

She had never been able to establish herself in his sympathy; the reason for that lay in the fact that she could bring nothing similar in return. The room except for the timed clangor of the electric cars, like the measure of lost minutes was quiet. The photograph of Bartram Hallet in cricketing clothes had faded until it was almost indistinguishable.

Despite their future happiness, they seemed to draw more solid satisfaction out of this final privilege. The last ten minutes they hardly talked at all. Every now and then Winn wanted to know if Claire's feet were warm, and Claire asked him to let her have a photograph of Peter. Then Maurice came out of the hotel, and a tailing party stood in the open doorway and wondered if it was going to snow.

He quickly drew it forth, and from its pages produced a small photograph. That it was the face of a young man, handsome and fair, did not signify. It would serve his purpose, Pritchen felt sure of that. "See," he said, holding it in his hand. "The white chief sends his picture to the chief of the Takudhs." This was enough.

If, then, you will pick up the pieces of an old fellow, I ask you to have my sword, the letter enclosed in this, and the photograph that stands on the stove buried with me. My will and the acknowledgments of my property are between the leaves of the Byron in my tin chest; they should go to Lucy Tor address thereon.

To her it was the day of days. What better than a group photograph of her dear and new friends? How she would treasure it! Strangely enough this did not please the guests. Photographs were dangerous. Suppose, in some way, the Okrana got hold of them.