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"Well done, brave birds!" panted the lad. "Seems too bad: but it has saved no end of lambs. Who'd have thought that they would fight like that? Why, they could have beaten me off. Lucky I brought my sword. Phew! it has made me hot," he muttered, as he wiped the blade carefully; and after a little wriggling to find the hole in the scabbard, thrust the weapon home.

Splosh! it struck the dudish youth squarely in the face and ear. Another splosh followed, and Carl Dudder was likewise decorated. "Hi! wow!" spluttered Ham. "I -Oh, what a smell! "Oh, my eye!" groaned Carl. "Phew! what's this?" "We're discovered! "What's this they threw on us?" "Oh, did you ever smell such stuff?" "Robbers! thieves!" yelled Snap and Shep. "Shoot them!

Not in the market? Not for sale? Well, I'll buy it. Oh, yes, you can what d' you suppose is his figure? So much? Phew! Oh, well, double it. No, I'm not mad, Anderson. No, nor drunk I just happen to want Mulligan's and I'll have it. When can you put the deal through? Oh, nonsense, make him sell at once get him on the 'phone.

As the servant withdrew: "Good heavens!" muttered Cairn, disgustedly; "poor Sir Michael's fortune won't last long at this rate!" He glanced at the smoking mibkharah. "Phew! effeminate beast! Ambergris!"

"Harvey," cried Hunston contemptuously; "a paltry, frivolous fool." "Yes; wasn't he? You should hear him speak of you." "There was never any love lost between us," said Hunston moodily; "we hated each other most cordially from boyhood." "Known him so long?" said Martin. "We were at school together, and at college together," said Hunston. "College phew! then you must have been a swell."

I said, nearing his doorway in a grateful perspiration. "It goes a thousand times, many thousand times!" cried Gibberne, with a dramatic gesture, flinging open his Early English carved oak gate. "Phew!" said I, and followed him to the door. "I don't know how many times it goes," he said, with his latch-key in his hand. "And you "

"Come, cheer up." "Can't any more, my lad," said Morgan. "No one can't say, look you, that I haven't cheered up through thick and thin. But, look here, Master George, speaking fair now, what is the good of Injuns?" "Injum no good," said Pomp, sharply. "Right, boy; no good at all. Phew!" he whistled; "how them logs do burn!" "Ah! No duck, no fis', no turkey roace on 'tick!" said Pomp, regretfully.

The big front door swung open without any discourteous hesitation, and Ken stood in the hall. "Phew dark!" he said. "Wait here, you fellows, while I get some shutters open." They could hear his footsteps sound hollowly in the back rooms, and shafts of dusky light, preceded by hammerings and thumpings, began presently to band the inside of the house.

Involuntarily old Jolyon's hand sought his purse. He said hastily: "How d'you get hold of them?" "I go to a hospital." "A hospital! Phew!" "What hurts me most is that once they nearly all had some sort of beauty." Old Jolyon straightened the doll. "Beauty!" he ejaculated: "Ha! Yes! A sad business!" and he moved towards the house.

Never mind; I have no doubt thad, when I make my discoveries known, I shall find some wealthy man who, for the sake of science, will find der money," said the professor hopefully. "How much would it cost to build an aerial ship such as you have been speaking of?" asked the baronet. "Oh! I cannod say. Nod zo very much. Berhabs a hundred thousandt bounds," was the reply. "Phew!