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"Silence, gintlemen," said he; "legite, perlegite, et relegite study, gintlemen, study pluck the tree of knowledge, I say, while the fruit is in season. Denny O'Shaughnessy, what are you facetious for? Quid rides, Dionysi And so, Pether is Pettier your pronomen quo nomine gowdes? Silence, boys! perhaps he was at Latin before, and we'll try him quo nomine gowdes, Pethre?"

"I am right, I say: I remember it well, for although I wasn't there myself, my father was, an' I often h'ard him say God rest his sowl!" here he reverently took off his hat and looked upwards "I often h'ard him say that Paddy Keenan gave Mullin the first knock-down blow, an' Pether I mane no disrespect, but far from it give us your hand, man alive you're going to be married upon my shisther to-morrow, plaise God! masther, you'll come, remimber? you'll be as welcome as the flowers o' May, masther so, Pether, as I was sayin' I mane no offince nor disrespect to you or yours, for you are, an' ever was, a daisent family, an' well able to fight your corner when it came upon you but still, Pether an' for all that I say it an' I'll stand to it I'll stand it that's the chat! that, man for man, there never was one o' your seed, breed, or generation able to fight a Keenan that's the chat! here's luck!

Surely that 'ud be dacenter nor to be slungein' about, invintin' truth and lies for other people, whin they're at their work, to make thim laugh, an you doin' nothin' but standin' over thim, wid your hands down to the bottom o' your pockets? Do, Pether, thry it, avick, an' you'll see it 'ill prosper wid us, plase God? "Faix I'm ladin' an asier life, Ellish."

"'Peace, Pether, and let me discoorse him. Don't ye know that when I sent ye for the dues of the church, ye was engaged in its sarvice, in holy ordhers, as it were? And how comes it, then, that you come back without the pig, and looking as frighted as if Matthew Collins himself had come back? "'And so he has masther, dear, said the poor boy.

An' now, Pether, the sarra one o' me would do this, good or bad, only bekase your managin' the farm so cleverly. Tady Gormley's goin' to bring home his meal from the mill, and has promised to lave these in the market for me, an' never fear but I'll get some o' the neighbors to bring them home, so that there's car-hire saved.

He rushed away to the stairhead till Haigh shouted, "Put on your trousers, man, first!" and then he turned to his own bedroom. "He don't take a whipping well," said I, as the gaunt figure disappeared. "Ruffle a fanatic," said Haigh, "and you'll soon see that he's all superfluous nerves and useless springs." N. C. Pether, which bears upon the main narrative.

To tell the truth, when I heard this suggestion, I began to repent of my frolic; but I was determined to make another effort to finish the adventure creditably. "Ned," said they, "throw some of the holy water on us all, and in the name of St. Pether and the Blessed Virgin, we'll go down and examine it in a body."

I only asked for the kettle, Mr. Cudmore." "The devil a more," said Cud, with a sneer. "Well, then, of course" "Well, then, I'll tell you, of course," said he, repeating her words; "the sorrow taste of the kettle, I'll give you. Call you own skip Blue Pether there damn me, if I'll be your skip any longer."

"Faith, he's the boy that knows how to make a Judy of himself any way, Pether," exclaimed another. "The divil a hapurt'h asier nor to give these Quality the bag to hould, so there isn't. An' they think themselves so cute, too!" "Augh!" said a third, "couldn't a man find the soft side o' them as asy as make out the way to' his own nose, widout being led to it. Divil a sin it is to do them, any way.

Peter, on coming home, rendered an account of his interview with the landlord to his wife, who no sooner heard of the extravagant proposal he made, than she raised her hands and eyes, exclaiming "Why, thin, Pether, alanna, was it beside yourself you wor, to go for to offer a rint that no one could honestly pay! Why, man alive, it 'ud lave us widout house or home in do time, all out!