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Late in the seventh century before Christ, the Greek colony of Poseidonia, the city of the Sea God, was founded on or near the site of Italian Peste by certain Hellenic adventurers from Trœzen, who were amongst the inhabitants of Sybaris, at that time one of the most flourishing of the famous cities of Magna Graecia: and this new colony of Trœzenians henceforward was accounted one of the twenty-five subject-towns that recognised Sybaris for their metropolis, or mother and suzerain city.

It has been standing for an hour at the door of the Auberge de France, awaiting you, and if you don't want it " "Standing where?" asked Sanguinetti harshly. "At the door of the Auberge de France." "Peste, fool!" cried the foreigner, "why is it there, when I bade it be sent to the Sucking Calf?" "I don't know, sir. I know no more than Monsieur l'Hote told me."

"I think, mynheer," I replied, growing white with rage at this new insult, "the same that has happened to yonder buck," and I pointed to the klipspringer behind Hans's saddle. "I mean that I shall shoot you." "Peste! From that moment, I may add, he respected me, and never again insulted my country to my face.

"And have you friends sufficiently powerful at court to give you such proofs of their credit?" "It appears so." "And may one ask the name of these friends?" "I did not say I had many friends, madame, I said I had one friend." "And that friend is called?" "Peste! madame, you go too far!

"And tell me, pray," said he, without changing his posture, "how did you punish this rascal?" "I took him by the collar," replied Gilbert, "and flung him down head first." "Peste!" exclaimed the Count, raising himself and looking at him with an air of surprise and admiration. "And tell me," resumed he, smiling in his enjoyment, "did this domestic animal perish in his fall?"

You have been well taught; and indeed, there are not many youths of his age who could hold their own with my pupil. "Take off your helmets. Enough has been done for one day." "Peste, Philip!" Francois said, as he removed his helmet. "I was not wrong when I said that, from your figure, I was sure that you had learned fencing.

She then related how she had cured herself of indigestion by moistening her stomach with holy water, at the same time reciting the Sanctus Deus, and she recommended the remedy to those present when they should suffer from dysentery, or an epidemic occurred, only that then they must pray in Spanish: Santo Diós, Santo fuerte, Santo inmortal, ¡Libranos, Señor, de la peste Y de todo mal!

The movement was so rapid that the ambassador could not prevent it, and the paper was in Dubois's hands. "'Peste! said the prince, seeing Dubois shaking his fingers, 'I knew that the regent had skillful spies, but I did not know that they were brave enough to go in the fire. "'Ma foi! prince, said Dubois, unfolding the paper, 'they are well rewarded for their bravery, see.

Diable! then sought every pocket pocket by pocket, round, not forgetting his fob: Peste! then La Fleur emptied them upon the floor, pulled out a dirty cravat, a handkerchief, a comb, a whip lash, a nightcap, then gave a peep into his hat, Quelle etourderie! He had left the letter upon the table in the auberge; he would run for it, and be back with it in three minutes.

"Yes, my friend, I know." "Peste! you are rich." "Do you not see that each of these pieces serves for two? On the contrary, I am so poor that I am forced to cut my gold in two." "It is true," said Chicot, with surprise: "they are half-pieces, with fantastic designs." "Oh, I am like my brother Henri, who amuses himself in cutting out images: I amuse myself with clipping my ducats."