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"That's r-right. She knows what to do. Ouch! a a knee-cap slipped, or broken is the deuce of a rack," groaned the victim, as they proceeded to raise him, the girls supporting, each, a knickerbockered leg, Pemrose the injured one, while Andrew took the main weight of the writhing body, until they laid it upon some dry moss.

"I guess if if I pull through this, I'll be a reformed character; no more no more eccentricity for me," he murmured dizzily to Pemrose who, when the trail permitted, walked beside him, stroking his hand, and he rolled his eyes faintly, through the veil of the opiate which the doctor had given, at the knapsack beside him, wherein lay the golden egg.

"This is no-o fun." "Yes! it is once you get used to it," laughed Pemrose, who together with the Jack at a Pinch still hovering near liked her excitement warm. "Look look at him crimp himself along! Ever ever see anything so crooked?" as the great muscle in the reptile's body contracted and relaxed upon its hasty retreat.

"Well! how about your spending a few days in camp with us then at our camp on the Bowl if your elders are willing?" went on the gracious grown-up woman, with warmth as golden as the sunburst on her breast. "We'll let Pemrose Lorry plant the tallest birch sapling in honor of the Thunder Bird.

"Oh! she's in no danger of drowning; she swims better than I I do-o now," shivered Pemrose, rather wishing that June were July and the Bowl had undergone the gradual glow of a heating process. "Aren't you coming, Thrush?" she cried. "Aren't you coming in, Jessie?" "I can't leave the owl!

"You're a chauffeur," he pleaded; "you'll drive fast?" "Aye, fegs! Fast as God and gasoline will let me!" answered Andrew devoutly, with an anxious glance at the two girls. As his tall, spare figure scrambled on down the trail, the sufferer raised his eyes to Pemrose.

Neither neither was it the voice of the nickum, so much Pemrose knew, as she edged coldly a little away, a little nearer to the dim and sighing lake-edge. Yet he was among them, those gaudy big boys, whose flare of color merely striped the cave-dusk, like the dingy markings upon the snake's squirming back.

It was the Vain Elf which slept in the shadow of the Wise Woman in the breast of Pemrose Lorry, that stored this wish, laid it up, a vengeful arrow in the blue quiver of her eyes, now shooting piqued, sidelong glances at those flaunting big boys. "Why-y should we run up against them here? Well! he'll never get a chance to play Jack at a Pinch friend in need to me again.

You don't mean to say oh! did he write to my father about it write to my father and sign himself 'T. S.?" broke in Pemrose, glancing back along the trail which she had traveled these past few months and finding it stranger, more baffling than the Man Killer's. "May may have done so," came the answer, with a faint chuckle.

Once again the steely clog, the weight of the five-inch box containing the recording apparatus, the precious log, almost dragged it to a standstill! But the summit gusts were strong. Even the college boy began to have heart-quakes and Pemrose heart-sinkings. "Jove! What a stunt you're pulling off on us, you old black crow of a parachute you booby-headed umbrella!" groaned he.