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Peel 3 large potatoes and lay in salted water half an hour; then grate the potatoes; add pepper, salt, 3 eggs and a large spoonful of flour. Beat well together and fry in hot lard by the tablespoonful until light brown. Serve hot with a pot roast. English Roast Veal. Season a veal loin roast with salt and pepper and rub with butter.

"Oh, Marjie," exclaimed Linnet, "peel one whole, be careful and don't break it, and throw it over your right shoulder and see what letter comes." "Why?" asked Magorie, selecting a large, fair apple to peel. "I'll tell you when it comes," answered Linnet, seriously.

Bedard's motive for opposing the government, was possibly to obtain office, but he had acted in such a way as to make that impossible. At dinner with the Earl of Liverpool, at Coombe Wood, Mr. Ryland seems to have had a combing from Mr. Peel. He writes to Sir James Craig that, in a conversation with Mr.

The Queen is not conceited; she is aware there are many things she cannot understand, and she likes to have them explained to her elementarily, not at length and in detail, but shortly and clearly. One of the minor posts in the new ministry was filled by a young member of parliament, who was destined in after-years to become as celebrated as Peel himself.

This will fill nine chocolate cups. 2 large pineapples 1 quart of water 1 pound of sugar Juice of one lemon Peel the pineapples and grate them. Add the sugar to the water, stir until the sugar is dissolved, boil five minutes and cool; add the pineapple and lemon juice, and freeze, turning the freezer slowly. This will serve eight or ten persons.

But laugh and make laugh as they may, they, too, have the destiny of grief; and unto them, as unto all men, come their passages of tragedy, the days of evil, the nights of waking, and the need of pity. When Hood was near his death a pension of a hundred pounds a year was settled on his wife, at the instance of Sir Robert Peel.

Currant-loaf is now popular eating in all house- holds. For weeks before the great morning, confectioners display stacks of Scotch bun a dense, black substance, inimical to life and full moons of shortbread adorned with mottoes of peel or sugar-plum, in honour of the season and the family affections.

To a quart of milk add half an ounce of fine isinglass, a handful of beaten almonds, and two or three bitter almonds, a couple of bay leaves, and a piece of lemon peel; when the isinglass is dissolved, strain the milk into a basin; sweeten with four ounces of white sugar, and pour into a mould. The juice of fresh strawberries is a fine addition to blancmange.

It was Saturday, and there were quantities of village school-boys sitting astride on the low wall, or perched on adjacent hurdles, evidently enjoying the spectacle, jostling, bawling, eating oranges, and throwing the peel at the engine.

It was the precursor of railway travelling then coming into vogue, for Lord George foresaw that the railways would revolutionize racing and enormously increase the votaries of the turf. After having sat in the House of Commons for 18 years, and taking little interest in the proceedings, Lord George, about 1844, suddenly attracted attention by his attacks on Sir Robert Peel and the Free Traders.