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He had given the name of Peachy, for instance to William Wilson, because, like the kangaroo, he sought his object in a succession of awkward, yet not the less availing leaps gulping his knowledge and pocketing his conquered marble after a like fashion. Mappy, the name which thus belonged to a certain flaxen haired, soft eyed girl, corresponds to the English bunny.

The subscribers of twenty guineas were, Sir Joseph Banks, president; the Prince of Anspach, the Duke of Montague, Lord Mulgrave and Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Peachy, Mr. Perrin, Mr. Poli, and Mr. Shuttleworth. Many designs, as might be expected, were proposed on the occasion.

"'Ain't I told you not to open the door for me, George? I don't need no black hand reaching back here to turn the handle for me. That don't make up for bad driving. Black hands off." "Jerry!" They alighted with an uncramping and unbending of limbs. "How'd some Lynnhavens taste to you for a starter, Peachy?" "Fine, whatever they are." A liveried attendant bowed them up the steps.

"There are the stars," murmured Peachy. "Yes," said Julia with a soft tenderness, "but we never reached them." "The air-life may not have been better or finer," Peachy continued, "but, somehow, it seemed clearer and purer. The earth's such a cluttered place. It's so full of things. You can hardly see it for the stuff that's on it. From above it seems beautiful, but near ."

They capered with amusement. "Oh, isn't she funny? Look at the girl trying to walk!" The tears spurted from Angela's eyes. Her lips quivered. Her wings shot up straight. "Don't mind what the boys say, Angela!" Peachy called. "Put your wings down! Keep right on walking!" Again Angela's pinions dropped. Again she took a few steps. This time she fell to her knees.

Anita was pretty and peachy, delicious, kissable, huggable, a pleasant armful, a lapload of girlish mischief. Charity was beautiful, noble, perilous, a woman to live for, fight for, die for. Kedzie was to Charity as Rosalind to Isolde. It was time for Jim to play Tristan, but he had no more blank verse in him than a polo score-card.

And we'd print something on it and tie it to Wiggle's tail and make him walk up and down the road. What do you say? Isn't it a peachy scheme? Will you help me?" No dream of Pee-wee's could be impossible of fulfillment. With him, to try was to succeed, according to Pepsy's simple and unbounded faith. The plan must be all right, and wondrous in its possibilities.

"Oh, talking about Halloween, and what we're going to do, and lots of things. It's going to be peachy." "Mind, you're not to destroy property or anything like that. Otherwise, you'll have to stay in the house Saturday night." He yawned with elaborate carelessness. "Just going to blow beans and ring doorbells, same as we did last year. Isn't it supper time? I'm hungry."

They referred to them individually now as the "dark one," the "plain one," the "thin one," the "quiet one," and the "peachy one." They theorized eternally about them. It was a long time, however, before they saw them again, so long that they had begun to get impatient. In Ralph Addington this uneasiness took the form of irritation.

Jane's hair was rebellious this morning and just now received a real cuffing at its owner's hands. "How perfectly peachy you would look bobbed, Dinksy. That color and those smooth silky curls! How the angels must have loved you. Know this line? "'Methinks some cherub holds thee fair, For kissing down thy sunny hair I find his ringlets tangled there!" "You would," interrupted Jane sacrilegiously.