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So he pattered on, standing on the hilltop, with his crutch under his elbow, and one hand upon the side of the log-house quite the old John in voice, manner, and expression. "We've quite a surprise for you, too, sir," he continued. "We've a little stranger here he! he!

Bullets from both sides pattered on leaves and bark, and the shouts of besieged and besiegers mingled, but the members of the force on the cliff kept their eyes resolutely on the water. "The canoes are moving again," said Tayoga. "They are coming a little nearer. I see Frenchmen in some of them and presently they will try to sweep the bank with their rifles."

Usually on Sunday evenings the streets of the city pattered with numerous footsteps; but to-night the snow deadened every sound, and the peace of God had gone out from the Cathedral to shed itself upon the city. "It will be Christmas Day in a week," Mark thought, listening to the Sabbath bells muffled by the soft snow-laden air.

In the heat of midday Hare yielded to its influence and reined in his horse under a slate-bank where there was shade. His face was swollen and peeling, and his lips had begun to dry and crack and taste of alkali. Then Wolf pattered on; Silvermane kept at his heels; Hare dozed in the saddle. His eyes burned in their sockets from the glare, and it was a relief to shut out the barren reaches.

Seek as they might, their enemies remained invisible, and still the shower of missiles kept up its intensity until the decks rang and pattered with their falling, and left no space of a yard in area where a man might stand safely.

"Rubbish.... Mere insubordination.... You're under arrest, d'ye hear?" he shouted towards the bed. There was no answer. The rain pattered hard on the roof. "Have him brought down to the guardhouse, by force if necessary," snapped the lieutenant. He strode towards the door. "And sergeant, start drawing up court-martial papers at once." The door slammed behind him.

When we reached my room I sent out for a pair of boots and two pairs of socks; then I pitched Teddy's away, and presently to his terror, and my own amusement, I found myself engaged in washing his feet. Nice little feet they were when they came clean, and their owner pattered about with perfect satisfaction on my carpet.

Before her rose a bulge of stone, nicked with little cut steps, and above that a corner of yellow wall, and overhanging that a vast, ponderous cliff. The dogs pattered up, disappeared round the corner. Lassiter mounted the steps with Fay, and he swayed like a drunken man, and he too disappeared. But instantly he returned alone, and half ran, half slipped down to her.

I had just enough money to get a ticket to Baltimore, and now I'm dead broke." Then she laughed and got me to untie her veil. When it was removed, I saw a frank young face with an abundance of soft brown hair. About the light blue eyes were the marks of fatigue, and the colour of the cheeks further confirmed her account of loss of sleep. Her feet pattered softly upon the floor of the car.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed, full of excitement. "What did you know?" Andy asked. "It's the Grater! The one that hangs in Aunt Esmerelda's kitchen." "Let me see him!" cried Malay Kris. On the roof above their heads, light footsteps pattered rhythmically. "I do believe they're dancing!" Hortense said. They ran to the ladder and scrambled up. "Careful! We mustn't let them see us," Hortense warned.