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When we go farther south, in the direction of Patagonia, we find other tribes who subsist principally upon the guanaco, the vicuna, and the rhea or South-American ostrich. "Hunting the vicuna is by no means an easy calling. The hunter must betake himself to the highest and coldest regions of the Andes far from civilised life, and far from its comforts.

The Sonoita, upon which Patagonia is situated, is one of these "disappearing rivers," the water coming up out of the sand about half a mile from the main street. The big rivers, the Colorado, the Salt, the upper Gila and the San Pedro, run the year around, and there are several smaller streams in the more fertile districts that do the same thing.

Mounser Green has consented to be expatriated for the good of his country." "You going to Patagonia!" said Currie. "You're chaffing," said Glossop. "I never was so shot in my life," said Hoffmann. "It's true, my dear boys." "I never was so sorry for anything in all my born days," said Glossop, almost crying. "Why on earth should you go to Patagonia?" "Patagonia!" ejaculated Currie.

Of course it will be understood that since we last saw John Morton the position of Minister Plenipotentiary at Patagonia had been offered to him and that he had accepted the place in spite of Bragton and of Arabella Trefoil. At that moment a card was handed to Mounser Green by a messenger who was desired to show the gentleman up. "It's the Paragon himself," said Green.

DARWIN says, that amongst the fossils of Patagonia, he found "a massive gigantic oyster, sometimes even a foot in diameter." Nat. BERTOLACCI mentions a curious local peculiarity observed by the fishermen in the natural history of the chank. Nor is there ever an instance of deviation from this singular law of nature. The Wallampory, or 'right-hand chanks, are found of both kinds."

In 1879 the Argentine Government determined to rid the country of the aborigines, or, at all events, to break their hostile and predatory spirit once for all; with the result that the entire area of the grassy pampas, with a great portion of the sterile pampas and Patagonia, has been made available to the emigrant.

And there was a general silence, there being now a feeling among them that Arabella Trefoil was not to be talked about in the old way before Mounser Green. At last he spoke himself. "I suppose you haven't heard who is to go to Patagonia after all?" "Is it settled?" asked Currie. "Anybody we know?" asked Hoffmann. "I hope it's no d outsider," said the too energetic Glossop.

Cuming and Hinds have found, on the comparison of nearly two thousand living species from the opposite sides of South America, only one in common, namely, the Purpura lapillus from both sides of the Isthmus of Panama: even the shells collected by myself amongst the Chonos Islands and on the coast of Patagonia, are dissimilar, and we must descend to the apex of the continent, to Tierra del Fuego, to find these two great conchological provinces united into one.

From the continent being narrow in the southern-most parts of Patagonia, and from the shells found at the Inner Narrows of the Strait of Magellan, and likewise far up the valley of the Santa Cruz, it is probable that the southern part of the western coast, which was not visited by me, has been elevated within the period of recent Mollusca: if so, the shores of the Pacific have been continuously, recently, and in a geological sense synchronously upraised, from Lima for a length of 2,480 nautical miles southward, a distance equal to that from the Red Sea to the North Cape of Scandinavia!

No one will imagine that a drought, even far severer than those which cause such losses in the provinces of La Plata, could destroy every individual of every species from Southern Patagonia to Behring's Straits. What shall we say of the extinction of the horse?