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Beneath the arbour I perceived a glowing spark which seemed to bear a certain relation to an oval whitish patch suggesting the front of a shirt. It was Amedee, at ease, smoking his cigarette after the day's work and convinced that he was singing. "Pour qu'j'finisse Mon service Au Tonkin je suis parti Ah! quel beau pays, mesdames! C'est l'paradis des p'tites femmes!"

The thought of Diana's future wealth and glory produced in her a feeling which was an acute physical distress. So Diana was to be married! and to the great parti of the neighborhood! Fanny already saw her in the bridal white, surrounded by glittering bridesmaids; and a churchful of titled people, bowing before her as she passed in state, like poppies under a breeze.

A bolt shot into the storm-tost Sea and its wreckages, by a Mariner now cheerily drying his clothes on the shore there; in fact, an indifferent Epigram, on Kings Friedrich and George, which is now flying about in select circles: "Rivaux du Vainqueur de l'Euphrate, L'Oncle et le Neveu, L'un fait la guerre en pirate, L'autre en parti bleu."

She said, with a restraint which did her credit: "Could you forgive me for five minutes? You must know how I dislike this. But oughtn't I " The great parti gave an ironic little laugh. "As you please, of course. I shall await your pleasure on the piazza."

"He was quite as handsome as you said he was. No wonder poor Robin fell prostrate. He ought to be chained and muzzled by law when he grows up." "But so ought Robin," threw in the Starling in her brusque, young mannish way. "But Robin's only a girl and she's not a parti," laughed Feather. Her eyes, lifted to Coombe's, held a sort of childlike malice.

Langton began to think that his daughter might do worse than marry this young Ashburn after all. Mrs. Langton had liked Mark from the first in her languid way, and the fact that he had 'expectations' decided her to support his cause; he was not a brilliant parti, of course, but at least he was more eligible than the young men who had been exciting her maternal alarm of late.

"When the time comes for that, you shall find a worthier parti than poor Karslake, well-meaning though he may be. Moreover, you heard forgive me for reminding you there was not an ounce of sincerity in all his philandering for you to hold in sentimental recollection. So forget Karslake, please. It is a duty you owe your own pride and my dignity; it is, furthermore, my wish."

The Duc de Berteuil is or rather was the greatest parti in France. He isn't any more, because they've married him to a rich girl from South America or one of those places brown as a berry with a bust " She rounded her arms to give an idea of the bust. "Mais, n'importe. My niece refused him.

He had, she argued, capabilities of good, an affectionate and trustful nature; he was the best parti in the county, and had chosen his tutor's niece a woman old enough to have borne him. Besides, she was not his lawful wife. The dowager had secretly taken legal opinion upon that matter, and was only waiting for an opportunity to test it.

But the Shoe Marriage Test involves a highly desirable parti who can practically command any wife he desires; this points to some super-chief or king. I have, therefore, reserved the church meetings for the Catskin type of story in which the heroine is scullery-maid in the young lord's own household. Thus we have the existence of a Tree Rhyme, shown in Italy and Germany, Greece and Denmark.