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He said goodbye so tenderly that I would have kissed his sleeve. The effort to restrain myself made me like an icicle. Oh! adieu, mon parrain! By George Meredith ARDEN,............. In love with Astraea. SWITHIN,........... Sympathetics. DAME DRESDEN,...... Sister to Homeware. ASTRAEA,........... Niece to Dame Dresden and Homeware. LYRA,.............. A Wife.

Some moments after he stopped by the little carriage, and, addressing the Cure, said: "I have just been to your house, 'mon parrain'. Pauline told me that you had gone to Souvigny about the sale. Well, who has bought the castle?" "An American, Mrs. Scott." "And Blanche-Couronne?" "The same, Mrs. Scott." "And La Rozeraie?" "Mrs. Scott again." "And the forest? Mrs. Scott again?"

Comme il n'y avait pas de reporter, et que je n'avais aucune note, et comme l'auditoire, y compris nos Seigneurs les eveques, avait accueilli mon speech avec bienveillance, je l'ai note sur le papier comme disent les musiciens avant de me coucher. Vous avez ete presque mon parrain a Oxford, je vous en dois bien la copie. C'est, en tous cas, un temoignage de ma fidele amitie.

I have been turning over "Les histories de mon Parrain" by Stahl, and a few chapters of "Nos Fils et nos Filles" by Legouve. These writers press wit, grace, gayety, and charm into the service of goodness; their desire is to show that virtue is not so dull nor common sense so tiresome as people believe. They are persuasive moralists, captivating story-tellers; they rouse the appetite for good.

Some moments after he stopped by the little carriage, and, addressing the Cure, said: "I have just been to your house, 'mon parrain'. Pauline told me that you had gone to Souvigny about the sale. Well, who has bought the castle?" "An American, Mrs. Scott." "And Blanche-Couronne?" "The same, Mrs. Scott." "And La Rozeraie?" "Mrs. Scott again." "And the forest? Mrs. Scott again?"

'Merci, mon parrain. He laughed. My French, I suppose. I determined that, if he wanted to study me, I would help him. 'I can command myself when I choose, but it is only when I choose.

The lackey before whom he rode was very lively and voluble, and informed the boy that the gentleman riding before him was my lord's chaplain, Father Holt that he was now to be called Master Harry Esmond that my Lord Viscount Castlewood was his parrain that he was to live at the great house of Castlewood, in the province of shire, where he would see Madame the Viscountess, who was a grand lady.

The answer was prompt enough, God knows? "Mais oui, je vous aiderai de tout mon coeur. Vous ferez de moi tout ce que vous voudrez, mon parrain." And this dear "parrain" took her hand and lifted it to his grateful lips. Upon which demonstration, I saw the light-complexioned young Teuton, Heinrich Muehler, grow restless, as if he did not like it.

I was shown a copy of the last letter dictated by a young French officer, and I asked to be allowed to copy it it was indeed a letter of a "chic" type. Chers Parrain et Marraine, Je vous ecris a vous pour ne pas tuer Maman qu'un pareil coup surprendrait trop. J'ai ete blesse le ... devant ... J'ai deux blessures hideuses et je n'en aurai pas pour bien longtemps.

'Merci, mon parrain. He laughed. My French, I suppose. I determined that, if he wanted to study me, I would help him. 'I can command myself when I choose, but it is only when I choose.