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There, within hearing of the soldiers, the dialogue that followed was low-toned, and it was swift and palpitant with repressed emotion. "Mr. Feller, I saw you at the automatic. I heard what the wounded private of the Grays said to you and realized how true it was." "He is a prisoner. He cannot tell." "Does he need to?

For Scriabine, the awakening of that aërial palpitant sensibility was such. It devoured him like a fire. One shudders as well as marvels at the destiny of one who came to feel life as it is felt in those last quivering poems "Guirlandes," "Flammes sombres," he entitles them, or in the mysterious Tenth Sonata, that glows with the feverish light of the dream, or in those last haunted preludes.

"Feels so good," she said. "I'm sick and tired of immaculate men." The Harvester laughed, tucked her feet in the cover and held her tenderly. The Girl lay with her cheek against the rough khaki, palpitant with the excitement of being moved. "Isn't it great?" she panted.

"Oh, King!" and the Duke bowed upon his knee and touched with his lips the great ring upon his Majesty's hand; "I did engender with a brain unwebbed by wine, a body ample of strength and health, my soul absolved, my heart palpitant with pure love and rich intention; but corruptible Nature hath adulterated and brought forth an oaf, to which I lay no claim " "Egad!

He stopped, nearly breathless. "It can't be a fire. Say, boys! they're havin' a Blow-Out up in heaven." The company crowded out. The sky was full of a palpitant light. An Indian appeared from round the stockade; he was still staring up at the stone chimney. "Are we on fire?" "How-do." He handed Father Wills a piece of dirty paper. "Hah! Yes. All right. Andrew!" Andrew needed no more.

They were, in fact, waiting for Reddin, who was always present at the dramatic finish of a field. Hazel knew what drama was to be enacted; knew what the knobbled sticks were for; knew who crouched in the tall, kindly wheat, palpitant, unaware that escape was impossible. 'Plenty o' conies, sir! called one of the men, whose face was a good deal more brutal than that of his mongrel dog.

For the first time he held his sweetheart in his arms. She clung to him, as a woman ought to her lover, palpitant, warm, and helpless. Of course they would find this pestiferous American who had caused her so much worry. And then he Manuel would claim his reward. "Do you think so ... really? You're not just saying so because ...?" Her olive cheek turned the least in the world toward him.

His lips moved to the verge of speech. The mystery trembled for utterance. The air was palpitant with its presence. As if it were an irrevocable decree, the girl steeled herself to hear. But the man paused, gazing straight out before him. She felt his hand relax in hers, and she pressed it sympathetically, encouragingly.

Yet his presence, his manners, the warmth of his glances, and above all the touch of his lips upon her hand had acted like a narcotic upon her. She slept a languorous sleep, interwoven with vanishing dreams. Alcee Arobin wrote Edna an elaborate note of apology, palpitant with sincerity.

As the moose were coming into the land, other kinds of life were coming in. Forest and stream and air seemed palpitant with their presence. The news of it was borne in upon him, not by sight, or sound, or smell, but by some other and subtler sense.