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By the time that Abraham had risen 'early in the morning, and reached the place by his tent from which he had yesterday looked on the smiling plain, all was over, and the heavy smoke cloud wrapped the dead with its pall-like folds. So swift and sudden is to be the coming of the Son of man, as the lightning which rushes in one fierce blinding flash from one side of heaven to the other.

They went upstairs rapidly and silently. It was a large comfortable bedroom; too large to be well lighted by the flaring, flickering kitchen-candle which had been hastily snatched up, and now stood on the dressing-table. On the bed, surrounded by its heavy, pall-like green curtains, lay the dead son.

The wild enjoyment of that drive was fixed in her memory for all time. At the end of half-an-hour's rapid travelling a great darkness had begun to envelope them, and obscurity so pall-like that even near objects were seen as it were through a dark veil. Burke broke his long silence. "Only two miles more!" She answered him exultantly. "I could go on for ever!"

It seemed strange to Juliette that there did not hang over it some sort of pall-like presentiment of coming evil. From the kitchen, at some little distance from the hall, Anne Mie's voice was heard singing an old ditty: "De ta tige detachee Pauvre feuille dessechee Ou vas-tu?" Juliette paused a moment.

While it went on, dark curtains hung pall-like over it as if to conceal the ceremony, and the ghoul howled in an awful, deafening voice to stifle his cries.

The sense of light upon his eyelids ceased. He presently felt her slowly getting into bed. A pall-like silence; then upon his cheek, in long discontinued caress, a hand whose touch was as light and soft as the fall of a rose leaf the hand of love that toil and age cannot make harsh, and her fingers were wet with her tears.

Some few ottomans and golden candelabra, of Eastern figure, were in various stations about and there was the couch, too bridal couch of an Indian model, and low, and sculptured of solid ebony, with a pall-like canopy above.

Antony had loved these things since he was a child, dragonflies with their lamp-like eyes of luminous horn, moths with pall-like wings that filled the world with silence as you looked at them, sleepy as death loved them with the passion of a Japanese artist who delights to carve them on quaint nuggets of metal.

Illumined by the ghastly sheen of the levin her face looked like that of one new dead, and the tall red lilies which climbed up her dark, pall-like robe to her throat yes, they looked like streams of fresh-shed blood.

He emerged bareheaded into the curious mist which hung pall-like upon the outer world, and seemed to combine the opposite elements of glare and dulness, just as Tanty, aided by the stalwart arm of the boatman, who had rowed her across, succeeded in dragging her rheumatic limbs up the last bit of ascent to the door of the keep.