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'Can he expect his adversaries to be tender with him? Cecilia simulated vehemence in an underbreath. She glanced down the page: 'FRENCH MARQUEES' caught her eye. It was a page of verse. And, oh! could it have issued from a Tory Committee? 'The Liberals are as bad, and worse, her father said. She became more and more distressed. 'It seems so very mean, papa; so base. Ungenerous is no word for it.

Nat stood by the Doctor's chair, but the longer he looked at the page the more puzzled he became, and at last he said, "I think, if you please, I'd rather have a book with only the birds' plain American names." Then he spelled out slowly, "C-y-a-n-o-c-i-t-t-a c-r-i-s-t-a-t-a. Why, that's Latin, but it only means Blue Jay."

In reality, Angelique cared only for reading; notwithstanding in her dictations, chosen from some classic writer, she never succeeded in spelling a page correctly, yet her handwriting was exceedingly pretty, graceful, and bold, one of those irregular styles which were quite the fashion long ago.

That confession is the stroke of genius in the romance that humanizes it with a thrill that is felt through every page of the stubborn, dark, harsh narrative of misery.

The page who had given the information was taken to the king. Had it not been for him it would never have been known what had become of him considering the state and the place where he was found." Before the body could be freed from the ice in which it was imbedded, implements had to be brought from Nancy.

"That's important," said Lalage. "It is," I said, "very. I notice that Selby-Harrison has a note at the bottom of the page to the effect that a penny stamp is required if the amount is over two pounds. He seems rather fond of that. I recollect he had it in the agreement he drew up for me." "It wasn't in the original," said Lalage. "He put it in because we all thought it would be safer."

"Which one? The same?" "No," cried Edith. "Anything but that!" "Then choose. Close your eyes, and choose." "It's like seeking for a message, or a sign," she said, as she swiftly turned the pages. Then, with her eyes still closed, she offered him the book. "Here read this. Is it a blank page?" There was a pause, then Edith opened her eyes. "It isn't the first one you read to me, is it?

Each time that notes were taken, the page was put in an envelope addressed to my wife. At the first chance they were mailed to her, and on my arrival in the United States the story of the fight, taken from these notes, was entered in the diary I keep in a book. I make this lengthy explanation that you may see that everything put down was fresh in my memory.

However Mr. Thomas Dick on the Diffusion of Knowledge page 101 and 102 has made the following observation 'The splendid comet which appeared in our hemisphere in 1811 was first discovered in this country by a sawer. The name of this Gentleman is Mr.

Private Dairy," and on the first page was this warning in the same painstaking, heavily shaded chirography, "This book is sacrid, and not be trespased in or read one word of. By order of owner. It was the private diary and Gwendolyn, the rabbit doll, and a small blue china shepherdess given her by Albertina, that constituted Eleanor's lares et penates.