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And then she told me that, while travelling in the mountains with her husband, a certain Señor de la Vega, and several friends, they were set upon by a band of Pachatupecs who, after killing all the male members of the party, carried her off and brought her to Pachacamac, where she had been compelled to become one of the wives of the cacique Chimu, and that between his brutality and the jealousy of the other women, her life, apart from its ignominy, was so utterly wretched that, unless she could escape, she must either go mad or be driven to commit suicide.

Ye have wandered far astray; but be of good comfort, I and, later on, others whom Pachacamac will send to you will point the way of return, and all shall be well with you." "And the maiden, Lord, who was to have been offered as a thank- offering what is to be done with her?" demanded Tiahuana. "Let her be returned with all honour to her home and parent," answered Harry.

From Pachacamac he came with twenty horsemen, sowing terror in the mountains, carrying eighty loads of gold. Across the Juaja River and past Lake Chinchaycocha they came, till they arrived at the city of Huanuco. "There were temples and gold and priests and soldiers.

Bartholomew. Garcilasso had seen the mummy of the Inca Uiracocha, and relates the whole tale from the oral version of his uncle, adding many native comments on the Court revolution described. To Garcilasso, then, the invocations of Uiracocha, in Christoval's collection of prayers, are a native adaptation to Spanish prejudice: even in them Pachacamac occurs.

I shall always remember with especial pleasure that my first official act was to save an innocent life, and that the life of your daughter, whom heaven long spare to be a joy and comfort to you. Go in peace, Umu, and serve me faithfully." "I will, Lord; I swear it by the great Pachacamac Himself!" answered Umu, raising his right hand as though to register his oath.

He insists, at length, and with much logic, that He whom, as a Christian, he worships, is in Quichua styled Pachacamac. In the temple this people, the Yuncas, offered even human sacrifices. Yunca superstitions, however, infested the temple, and a Voice gave oracles therein. The Yuncas also had a talking idol, which the Inca, in accordance with a religious treaty, occasionally consulted.

Thus, for instance, he knew that the Peruvian Indians recognised the existence of a Supreme Being, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, whom they sometimes named Pachacamac, and at others Viracocha; and he also knew that the attributes of this Being were believed to be of so superlatively divine a character that the simple Indians had never dared to rear more than one temple in his honour, which had long since been destroyed.

"I think so, senor, though I have not heard that any of them ever lived there; but tradition says that the vessel in which a great store of treasure was sent away from Pachacamac, and which, as is proved by Spanish writings, was never heard of afterwards, and doubtless was sunk in a great storm that came on two or three days after it sailed, was intended to be landed and hidden in this castle, which they thought might well escape the observation of the Spaniards."

And as far as the other is concerned, I have an idea." The king had left his throne and approached the outer edge of the alcove, until he stood almost directly under the oval plate of gold representing Pachacamac or the unknown god. To this he knelt and made a succession of weird, uncouth gestures that suggested a lunatic or a traveling hypnotist.

The reconnoiter of San Lorenzo had convinced Paul that the island was watched from end to end in the closest manner and it was useless to attempt to work from there with the means at hand. He determined to lead out in a different direction to accomplish his designs, and his next move was a cruise due southward to the island off Pachacamac and generally called by that name.