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We are never going to get through Crooked Inlet without meeting that steam launch or another one like her, and if the officer in command shouldn't be satisfied with your story or with your papers either, and should take it into his head to give the Fairy Belle a thorough overhauling, then what? If he found that flag stowed away in some secret place, he'd make prisoners of us, sure pop."

Before daylight the lookout reported two sail in sight, and at daybreak the ship was fairly surrounded by the enemy's vessels. All at once gave chase to the luckless American; and a few hours were enough to show that her sailing qualities were so seriously injured by her pounding on the bar, that the enemy was rapidly overhauling her.

"How now!" he cried, ruefully rubbing himself. "If these are thy amenities, Richard, Heaven spare me thy blows." "Why, I have been a fool, and worse," I shouted. "My grandfather's ship, the Sprightly Bess, is overhauling this winter in the Severn. And unless she has sailed, which I think unlikely, I have but to despatch a line to Bristol to summon Captain Bell, the master, to London.

Overhauling it we saw that it contained two dead soldiers French foot-soldiers. The bodies rested side by side on the wagon bed. Their feet somehow were caught up on the wagon seat so that their stiff legs, in the baggy red pants, slanted upward, and the two dead men had the look of being about to glide backward and out of the wagon.

She spent the next morning, while he went to town to buy his ticket, in a thorough overhauling of his clothes. She found linen bags to hold his shoes and a linen folder for his shirts. She pressed his ties and brushed his coats, packed lavender bags in his underwear, and slipped a framed snapshot of herself and Elliston into the bottom of the Gladstone.

"So she be," was the answer; "but the Curlew's overhauling her this time." "What's the matter?" "The other feller's the best sailor, that's what's the matter. I don't know who he is, but he's a skipper from away back." For some minutes Deever kept silent. From time to time he glanced astern. There was no doubt about it; the Curlew was gaining.

At one end of the float lay the "Pathfinder." At the other end lay the "Scalp-hunter," as shining as a thorough overhauling and a coating of oil could make her. Over the latter canoe the Gridley High School girls had posted themselves as a sort of guard of honor. Not that there was any suspicion that either of the canoes would be tampered with. High school and college sports are "clean."

That this is desirable is manifest, and to such cases may be applied the maxim, "Where there is a will there is a way." The idea seems to be spreading that this war must lead to a thorough overhauling and recasting of the British military organisation.

The two strange sail were by this time visible from our deck, and it was apparent that, in the strong breeze which was now blowing, we were rapidly overhauling the schooner, while the brig was not only holding her own with us, but had actually increased her distance, as she gradually hauled to the wind, so as to allow us to run away to leeward of her.

"Complaint, by George!" he replied, shaking his fist at me. "The boot is on the other leg, I take it. How is it that I find this chap in my compartment? Foraging about, I believe." "Indeed no, Colonel Annesley," I protested, forgetting myself; and he caught at it directly. "Oho, so you know my name! That proves what I say. You've been messing about and overhauling my things. I won't stand it.