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Otherwise, when a state orator has hit the precise age to a minute hid his Bambino in his mantle so cunningly that no mortal could smell it and produced it so critically, that no soul could say, it came in by head and shoulders Oh Sirs! it has done wonders It has open'd the sluices, and turn'd the brains, and shook the principles, and unhinged the politicks of half a nation.

Enter Scaramouch in a Chair, which is set down and open'd on all sides, and on the top represents an Apothecary's Shop, the Inside being painted with Shelves, and rows of Pots and Bottles; Scaramouch sitting in it dress'd in Black, with a short black Cloke, a Ruff, and little Hat. Scar.

The charcoal by this time was a glowing mass of red: and threw so clear a light on us that I feared the crew on board the sloop might see our forms and suspect their misadventure. But the lantern still hung steadily: so signing to Billy to drag our prisoner behind a tamarisk bush, I open'd the second packet, and poured some of the powder into my hand.

I could not have slept in peace did I not know what was a-coming. And then open'd they the Safe in my Aunt's morning-room. Shall be such a Howling from the Damn'd on the Day of Judgment as went up from Hynds House that day! Makes me to think of the text, And there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

When you have killed your Partridges, take out the Crop, and the Artery which bleeds in the Neck, then fill the Place with Pepper; and the Mouths of the Fowls should be fill'd with the same, for these Parts take a taint sooner than the rest; the Vent too, ought to be taken care of, and open'd, and filled with Pepper, beaten grossly.

I knew not the right key for the wicket: and if I fumbled, the fellow would detect me for certain. I chose one and drew nearer; the fellow look'd, saluted, stepp'd to the wicket, and open'd it himself. "Good night, Colonel!" I did not trust myself to answer: but passed rapidly through to the outer ward.

I loos'd my hold: 'twas Matt. Soames. "Your pardon," whisper'd I; "but why have you left your post?" "Black Sampson is watchin', so I took the freedom ugh! my poor windpipe! to " He broke off to catch me by the sleeve and pull me down behind the bush. About twelve paces ahead I heard a door softly open'd and saw a shaft of light flung across the path between the glist'ning laurels.

At length steps were heard in the hall, and a servant open'd the door. "Where is Giles?" ask'd the Colonel. "Why are you taking his place?" "Giles can't be found, your honor." "Hey?" "He's a queer oldster, your honor, an' maybe gone to bed wi' his aches and pains." "Then go seek him, and say No, stop: I can't wait.

The wife of the chaise-vamper stepp'd in, I told you, to take the papilliotes from off her hair the toilet stands still for no man so she jerk'd off her cap, to begin with them as she open'd the door, in doing which, one of them fell upon the ground I instantly saw it was my own writing O Seigneur! cried I you have got all my remarks upon your head, Madam!

If some-body has chang'd Hands there from bad to worse, and open'd instead of closing Differences in those Cases, the Cogitator migyt have brought them, by more regular Thinking, to have known that was not at all the Method of bringing the S -s to Reason.