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The noise of the crickets and all the little sounds of summer smote on Nutty's ear in one discordant shriek. 'Oh, gosh! he exclaimed, faintly, and collapsed on the front steps like a jelly-fish. The spectacle of Nutty in his anguish did not touch Elizabeth. Normally a kind-hearted girl, she was not in the least sorry for him.

Well, how come him and Waldhorn to know each other, that's what I want to know. So does Annie." "What I want to know, too!" said Doctor Barnes, reaching out his hand. "Annie says it's plumb nutty, the stuff in it," commented Sim. The other looked at him quizzically. "She read it then?" He read it now, himself, and stood stiff and straight at reading. "This is a cypher code stuff!

In her heart Elizabeth knew perfectly well that this was because Nutty, when in the presence of the bees, lost his head completely and behaved like an exaggerated version of Lady Wetherby's Dream of Psyche, whereas Bill maintained an easy calm; but at the moment she put the phenomenon down to that inexplicable cussedness which does so much to exasperate the human race, and it fed her annoyance with her unbidden guest.

Her laugh had an October tang of bitterness in it. "Well, I'll say, what do you know about that!" he said, weakly. "Tell me about yourself since apparently we're now acquainted.... Unless you want to go to that music-hall?" "Oh no, no, no! Gee, I was just crazy to have somebody to talk to somebody nice I was just about nutty, I was so lonely," all in a burst.

"Do you think, for gosh sake, the whole family's got to be nutty just because he was sick and got a queer streak?" "You've no right to say that. Dad knew what he was doing." "Aw, where do you get that dope?" Vic eyed her disgustedly, and with a good deal of condescension. "If you had any sense, you'd knew he was queer for days before it happened. I noticed it, all right, and if you didn't "

'You will? said the other. 'Good boy! You go and get into some clothes and come along. I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? 'Chalmers. 'Mine's Boyd Nutcombe Boyd. 'Boyd! cried Bill. Nutty took his astonishment, which was too great to be concealed, as a compliment. He chuckled. 'I thought you would know the name if you were a pal of Gates's. I expect he's always talking about me.

It was Nutty Boyd's habit to retire immediately after dinner to his bedroom. What he did there Elizabeth did not know. Sometimes she pictured him reading, sometimes thinking. Neither supposition was correct. Nutty never read. Newspapers bored him and books made his head ache. And as for thinking, he had the wrong shape of forehead.

Bill would have liked to deny all knowledge of Delaney, though the latter was one of his best friends, but his natural honesty prevented him. 'I'm sure I met you at a supper he gave at Oddy's one Friday night. We all went on to Covent Garden. Don't you remember? 'Talking of supper, broke in Nutty, earning Bill's hearty gratitude thereby, 'where's the dashed head-waiter? I want to find my table.

The bread revealed new qualities in the wheat, it was so sweet and nutty; and the fried potatoes, with which your beefsteak comes snowed under, are the very flower of the culinary art, and I believe impossible in any other country. Even the ruins are in excellent taste, and are by far the best-behaved ruins I ever saw for so recent ones.

Suddenly I was confronted with the cook's chunky back and I heard a low, curt, carrying voice shoot through the room at my host. George had wheeled just as Ross started to speak. "You're nutty. That's what's the matter with you. You can't stand the snow. You're getting nervouser, and nuttier every day.