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James Smith in the invitation. We had a fine, gay, noisy time of it at the Hall, the strange gentleman, in particular, making himself as much at home as if the place belonged to him. I was surprised at Mrs. Norcross putting up with him as she did, but I was fairly thunderstruck some months afterward when I heard that she and her free-and-easy visitor were actually going to be married!

You'd take it for a valentine: Mr. Burton's son Care Burton and Norcross, Jewellers, New York City." "That's me all right," cried Christopher, forgetting in his excitement and curiosity such a trivial incidental as grammar. He took the letter, regarding with amusement its disreputable appearance. "Humph! They didn't waste very dressy stationery on me, did they?" laughed he.

The young tourist he signed W. W. Norcross in Yancy's register watched her closely and listened to every word she spoke with an intensity of interest which led Mrs. Yancy to say, privately: "'Pears like that young 'lunger' ain't goin' to forgit you if he can help it." "What makes you think he's a 'lunger'?" "Don't haf to think. One look at him is enough."

He only hoped that Bolton would not get hold of the boy. Benjamin Bolton sat at his desk in the law office of Albert Norcross, on Nassau Street. He was well, even handsomely dressed, and looked very unlike the shabby tramp who had called months before at the house of Stephen Ray. He was really a man of ability, and this his employer had found out.

"My father is in the lumber business; but his point of view isn't exactly yours." "He slays 'em, does he?" "He did. He helped devastate Michigan." "After me the deluge! I know the kind. Why not make yourself a sort of vicarious atonement?" Norcross smiled. "I had not thought of that. It would help some, wouldn't it?" "It certainly would.

Now the breeze that blows over Green Island drops away, and the smoke of the eight smudge-kettles falls like a thick curtain. The canoes, the dark shores of Norcross Point, the twin peaks of Spencer Mountain, the dim blue summit of Katahdin, the dazzling sapphire sky, the flocks of fleece-white clouds shepherded on high by the western wind, all have vanished.

On this level a drift was run that connected with the old Hale & Norcross and Savage shafts, producing a good circulation of air both in the shaft and in the mines mentioned.

As the driver took his fare he nodded cordially. Benito recognized him as a former client. "Listen," said the fellow, "you did me a good turn once, Mr. Windham. Now I'll return the compliment." He leaned nearer, whispered. "Buy some Hale and Norcross mining stock. I've got a tip straight from the president. It's going up."

"Oh yes, you can; and, besides, I want you to intercede for me with your father and get me into the Service. But we'll talk about that to-morrow. Good night." After the women left the room Norcross said: "I really am in earnest about entering the Forest Service. Landon filled me with enthusiasm about it. Never mind the pay. I'm not in immediate need of money; but I do need an interest in life."

Coming to the end of his route, he peered shrewdly into the face of the younger man. "Have you read the Psychical Society's report on Mrs. Fife?" Bulger's mind said, "Good God no!" His lips said, "Only some newspaper stuff about them. Seemed rather remarkable if true. Something in that stuff, I suppose." "I've read them," resumed Norcross. "Got the full set.