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Oh! dear child of my body, dear child of my spirit, for we do not beget with the body alone, Noma, as you know better than I do to-day, I greet you," and pressing the skull to his lips, he kissed it, then set it down in front of him between himself and the fire with the face part pointing to the king, and burst into one of his eerie and terrible laughs.

"Nay, Hafela," answered Noma, "there is one crack in his shield. Hear me: if we can but catch him and hold him fast we shall have no need to fear him more, and I think that I know how to bait the trap." "How will you bait it?" asked Hafela. "Thus.

Can it not be done by trance as aforetime? Tell me, Hokosa, how often have you thus talked with the dead?" "Thrice, Noma." "And what chanced to them through whom you talked?" "Two lived and took no harm; the third died, because the awakening medicine lacked power. Yet fear nothing; that which I have with me is of the best.

Steele, who wonders at my long absence, comes with Señor Noma to find me, and soon there are three laughing at the poor Baron's expense. "Hush, Blanche, it's really too bad you must pardon her, Baron," says Mrs. Steele. "I mind it not more," says the Peruvian, with new philosophy. "Señorita vould laugh in dthe face of St. Peter."

He paused, turning one ear upwards, then continued in a new and tender voice, "What is it you say to me, Noma, my dear little Noma? Oh! I hear you, I hear you." Now he shifted himself along the ground on his haunches some paces to the right, and began to search about, groping with his long fingers. "Where, where?" he muttered. "Oh, I understand, further under the root, a jackal buried it, did it?

For amongst savage peoples such an accident is apt to be looked upon as little short of a crime, or, at the least, as indicating that the woman concerned is the object of the indignation of spirits who need to be appeased. To this Mount, Noma went, and there performed the customary rites.

I have seen such cases before to-day, and I have noted that they can be cured by mixing with fresh faces and travelling in new countries. Noma, I think it would be well that, after your late sickness, according to the custom of the women of our people, you should part from me a while, and go upon a journey of purification." "Whither shall I go and who will go with me?" she asked sullenly.

An odd dinner it is; but Señor Noma makes a most courteous host, and the dishes are certainly rare and interesting generally peppery beyond words to describe and most of them liberally seasoned with garlic. But the luscious fruits, the "vino blanco," and champagne cool our smarting palates and reconcile us to our gastronomic ventures.

Only the day before you were taken I pulled out that front tooth, did I not, and beneath it was another that was strangely split in two. If this skull was yours, it will be there. Come to the fire, Noma, and let us look; the moonlight is faint, is it not?" Back to the fire he shifted himself, and bending towards the blaze, made an examination. "True, Noma, true!

When she was recovered from her illness, Noma sat one night in her hut, and Hokosa sat there also watching her. The evening was warm, but a bright fire burned in the hut, and she crouched upon a stool by the fire, glancing continually over her shoulder. "Why do you bide by the fire, seeing that it is so hot, Noma?" he asked.