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When Khepera raised himself out of the ocean Nu, he found himself in vast empty space, wherein was nothing on which he could stand. The second version of the legend says that Khepera gave being to himself by uttering his own name, and the first version states that he made use of words in providing himself with a place on which to stand.

They were now without water again, and had no chance of procuring any, except from the pools, until they arrived at the Nu Gariep, or Black River, which they had crossed when they came out from the Caffre Land. Having traveled till dark, they halted under a hill, and were soon afterward joined by a party of Bushwomen, who continued with them in spite of all their attempts to get rid of them.

This name appears in the Greek and Latin writers as Zeus Ammon and Jupiter Ammon. When Amun manifests himself by his word, will or spirit, he is known as Nu, Num, Noub, Nef, Neph, or Kneph, and this word Kneph through the form Cnuphis is, perhaps, the Anubis of the Greek and Latin authors. That word has not been found earlier than the time of Augustus.

He paused and fingered the texture of his waistcoat. "But everything will be up to date, Mr. Potash," he concluded, "just like you advised us to." Abe watched his late skirt-cutter disappear into the elevator, and then he returned to the office where Morris impatiently awaited him. "Nu, Abe," Morris cried as he entered.

Punch, and bowed the man of the Times politely out, Grandmama Fudge, in a strong Scotch brogue, said, 'Nu, luds, let us gang awa to the crumpets bring 'um hither, mya bullies! He drew a sort of simple contortion over his broad, hard face, and mouthed his lips, as if he would the amplest dough-nut be put on his plate.

A fine breeze and a fair sea, and our shirts for a sail.” “Yes, white linen shirts, which frightened your prisoner Nu Nu ” “Perhaps so I did not notice. But if Pym has said so, Pym must be believed.” “And during those eight days you were able to supply yourselves with food?” “Yes, sir, and the days after we and the savage. You know the three turtles that were in the boat.

It was precisely half-past nine, while a tabloid drama in progress on the stage rendered the presence of the orchestra unnecessary, that Emil Pilz returned. "Nu Emil," Louis said as they stood in the corridor leading to the stage entrance, "did you seen the Amati?" He grinned in humorous anticipation of Emil's answer. "Yes, I did seen it," Emil replied, "and it's a very elegant, grand model."

As the howling diminished, she realized with a shock that she was rocking this misbegotten infant nay, singing to it a Jewish cradle-song full of inappropriate phrases. She withdrew her foot as though the rocker had grown suddenly red-hot. The yells broke out with fresh vehemence, and she angrily restored her foot to its old place. 'Nu, nu, she cried, rocking violently, 'go to sleep.

It brightened rapidly, until on May 2d it was of magnitude three and a half. Then it began to fade, but very slowly, and it has never entirely disappeared. It is now of the twelfth or thirteenth magnitude. In passing we may glance with a low power at nu Serpentis, a wide double, magnitudes four and nine, distance 50", p. 31°, colors contrasted but uncertain.

You could take it from me, Mawruss, when the time comes he should pay up, understand me, it'll be a case of nix wissen and don't you forget it." Morris shrugged impatiently. "Nu, Abe," he said; "what could we do? Once in a while we couldn't help ourselves, y'understand.