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In due course all the gods assembled in the Great House, and they ranged themselves down the sides of the House, and they bowed down in homage before until their heads touched the ground, and said, "Speak, for we are listening." Then addresing Nu, the father of the first-born gods, told him to give heed to what men were doing, for they whom he had created were murmuring against him.

But Sofia's leaden limbs carried her safely to the upper landing, then on to the blessed shelter of her room, where she collapsed upon a chaise-longue and there lay in a stirless huddle, dry of eye but deaf to the plaintive entreaties of Chou Nu and numb to all sensation but the anguish of her humiliated heart.

There were numerous rings on her fingers, and she perpetually smelt of peppermint. "Nu, stand not chattering there," she went on. "Come in. Dost thou wish me to catch my death of cold?" Moses slouched timidly within, his head bowed as if in dread of knocking against the top of the door.

We have already given the chief details of the history of the gods Horus and Thoth, and the principal gods of the other companies may now be briefly named. NU was the "father of the gods," and progenitor of the "great company of the gods"; he was the primeval watery mass out of which all things came.

Becky had broken the news of Esther's arrival to her father, as was evident from the odor of turpentine emanating from the opened bottle of rum on the central table. Mr. "Nu, it gladdens me to see you are better off than of old," he said gravely in Yiddish. "Thank you. I am glad to see you looking so fresh and healthy," replied Esther in German. "You were taken away to be educated, was it not?"

And your husband is not yet at home, Madame Markovitch.... Nu da.... Of course these are very troublesome times, and as you say things have to move in a hurry. "You've heard perhaps that Nicholas Romanoff has abdicated entirely and refused to allow his son to succeed. Makes things simpler.... Yes.... Very pleasant pictures you have and Ostroffsky six volumes. Very agreeable.

Lung , the daughter of Lung Wang's third son, obtained her grandfather's permission to take the gift to Miao Shan and beg that she might be allowed to study the doctrine of the sages under her guidance. After having proved her sincerity, she was accepted as a pupil. Shan Ts'ai called her his sister, and Lung reciprocated by calling him her dear brother.

Then the Majesty of Nu, to son Ra, spake, saying: "Thou art the god who art greater than he who made thee, thou art the sovereign of those who were created with thee, thy throne is set, and the fear of thee is great; let thine Eye go against those who have uttered blasphemies against thee."

The face of his old acquaintance had vanished; this was a cajoling, coquettish, smiling face, suggesting undreamed-of things. "Nu, yes," he replied, without perceptible pause. "Nu, good!" she rejoined as quickly. And in the ecstasy of that moment of mutual understanding Leibel forgot to wonder why he had never thought of Rose before.

On the borders of the Pacific Ocean, a few miles inland, I have raised his grave. The wild flowers that grow upon it are fed by the clear waters of the Nu eleje sha wako, and the whole tribe of the Shoshones will long watch over the tomb of the Pale-face from a distant land, who was once their instructor and their friend.