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"Anyhow, I can't have you mussing around my kitchen, Sammie, so Susie is the only one who can help me make Hot Cross Buns." "Ask her if we can have the batter dishes and the one she mixes the frosting in, to clean out," prosed Bully, in a whisper, and when Sammie asked the nurse, who was also a cook, she said: "Oh, I suppose so. But don't come around bothering while Susie and I are busy.

Want any thing else, Lyddy?" "No, thank you. The house is very nice and still this morning. There's a picnic up at the Dexter's farm, isn't there? I suppose they've all gone to it." "Of course. Who ever heard of a picnic unless Phebe went along to do all the fussing and mussing that everybody else shirks?

"Oh, do get on," Kate's smile was good to see. "It's emotion," said Helen, pretending to dab her eyes. "It's emotion mussing up the whole blamed business, as Nick would say." "Never mind Nick," cried her sister. "Anyway, I don't think he swears nearly as much as you make out. I'll soon have to go and get the Meeting House ready for to-morrow's service. So "

"It's that worthless dog of Martin's, I suppose," said Clemantiny, grasping a broom handle with a grimness that boded ill for the dog. "Mussing up my clean doorstep with his dirty paws again. I'll fix him!" Clemantiny swept out through the porch and jerked open the door. There was a moment's silence. Then Miss Salome heard her say, "For the land's sake! Salome Whitney, come here."

Jadwin laid a soft but clumsy hand upon Laura's head, adding, "Laura, you have the most wonderful hair I ever saw." "Oh, they were not surprised. Curtis, don't, you are mussing me." She moved her head impatiently; but then smiling, as if to mitigate her abruptness, said, "It always makes me nervous to have my hair touched.

"Prescott's been here," replied Curtis. "He's heard those blamed clothes were found, and that's going to make us trouble. We've had Jernyngham interfering and mussing up the tracks, and now Prescott's getting ready to butt in. I expect he'll be off to Navarino very soon, and we can't stop him unless we arrest him, which I'm not ready to do." "Did he tell you he was going?"

"Tell him he's got a clear course, unless something big threatens. I don't seem to be on the right track. We're only crossing and mussing trails by working separately. . . . If he won't work with me tell him I'm trusting him." Koppowski and his three friends climbed through the window of the shack on the top of the bank and were swallowed in the forest.

Other mothers spent their lives for their little boys. Florette only risked hers twice a day. While the partner played an accordion Florette ran out for her quick change. Freddy was waiting, with her dress hung over a chair. He flew to meet her. His eager, nimble fingers unfastened the blue frock. He slipped the next costume over her head without mussing a single beloved blonde hair.

West with dignity, "a floor's cooler than a bed and it saves mussing the spread." Persis studied her thoughtfully. "I can't say you look cool, Mis' West. I guess I never saw you so fire-red as you are at this minute. But if that's your idea of having a good time, why, every one to his taste, as the old woman said when she kissed the cow." She rose with a dignity that matched Mrs.

Eh, my dearest, is this life?" And then suddenly it would appear laughable to him and he would feel like mussing up his hair, putting forth his knee and thrusting out his chest as though to receive heavy blows; saying: "Here, strike!"