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If, after such discourse, the bibliographer still remained mulishly clean-minded, Keith would return to the psychological necessity of "appropriate reaction" and cite an endless list of sovereigns, popes, and other heroes who, in their moments of leisure, were wise enough to react against the persistent strain of purity.

But the old Amable began to whine: "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! What suffering! Ooh! I can't. My back is stiffened up. 'Tis the wind that must have rushed in through this cursed roof." "Well, you'll have no dinner, as I'm having a spread at Polyte's inn. This will teach you what comes of acting mulishly."

There are always fresh finds being made seizures made officially by an officer or two with a few files of men so that there may be some reasonable excuse to offer to those who persist in remaining mulishly prudish. These new finds are, of course, called treasures-trove. They are good words. Looting has officially ceased; is, indeed, forbidden under the most severe penalties.

The eyes of the boa-constrictor in the Zoo were gems of humanity in comparison with those of the negroid-Egyptian's as he turned to obey, and then stopped mulishly until a third little reminder chipped splinters from the marble at his heel, whereupon he stooped and recovered his headgear, minus the brooch, but plus a neat little hole fore and aft. "Now come and drink the coffee!

"Won't you?" said I, pursuing the same line of inductive argument, with rhetorical flourishes of the bridle. "Never!" he replied again, most mulishly. "Then if words and kicks won't do," said I, "let us see what virtue there is in stones;" and suiting the action to the word, I showered him with fragments of granite, as from a catapult.

And he stooped toward the old man, pulled off his blanket, caught him by the arm and lifted him up. But old Amable began to whine, "Ooh! ooh! ooh! What suffering! Ooh! I can't. My back is stiffened up. The cold wind must have rushed in through this cursed roof." "Well, you'll get no dinner, as I'm having a spread at Polyte's inn. This will teach you what comes of acting mulishly."

The cussedness of the inanimate was strong in this pen: since its reservoir was quite empty it mulishly refused more service without refilling. With a long-suffering sigh, Mr. Blensop found a filler in one of the desk drawers, and unscrewed the nib of the pen.

"Yes," said Mabel impatiently, "that would be simply silly. And, besides, I want my ring." "It's not yours any more than ours, anyhow," said Jimmy. "Yes, it is," said Mabel. "Oh, stow it!" said the weary voice of Gerald beside her. "What's the use of jawing?" "I want the ring," said Mabel, rather mulishly. "Want" the words came out of the still evening air "want must be your master.

And as for my managing Peter, they know perfectly well that, though he's a darling, he's just mulishly obstinate. He's had his own way ever since he was born; the whole family simply adore him. His mother has always waited on him hand and foot, though she's sensible enough with the other children. If he looks sulky she is perfectly miserable.

"You said ?" asked Miss Seyffert. "That I have some writing to do before the post goes," said the doctor brightly. "Oh! come and see the cathedral!" cried Sir Richmond with ill-concealed dismay. He was, if one may put it in such a fashion, not looking at Miss Seyffert in the directest fashion when he said this. "I'm afraid," said the doctor mulishly. "Impossible." Miss Grammont stood up.