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She was, however, spared this pain, for the King not only never went, but seemed to have forgotten her, as if he had never known her. To accuse La Valliere of loving any one besides the King was wicked to the last degree, but falsehoods cost Montespan but little. The Comte de Vermandois was a good sort of young man, and loved me as if I had been his mother.

She, however, made him remark more and more the bitter temper of Montespan; and, affecting great devotion, she told the King that his affliction was sent him by Heaven, as a punishment for the sins he had committed with Montespan. She was eloquent, and had very fine eyes; by degrees the King became accustomed to her, and thought she would effect his salvation.

The king's two favorites Madame de la Vallière, whose beauty and power were on the wane, and Madame de Montespan, who was then in the zenith of her triumph were often invited by the king to take a seat in the royal carriage by the side of the queen and Madame. The most beautiful woman then in the French court was Louise Rénée, subsequently known in English annals as the Duchess of Portsmouth.

When the King asked her in the evening how she liked the review, she said: "Very well, but only those German soldiers are so simple as not to call things by their proper names, for I had their shouts explained to me." Madame de Montespan and her eldest daughter could drink a large quantity of wine without being affected by it.

In 1588, Henri III, fleeing Paris after the "journée des barricades" came here to rest, and so fatigued was he on his arrival that he went to bed "tout botté." The son of Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan came into possession of "the palace and lands" and in his honour the property was made, in spite of its limited area, a Duché-Pairie.

I laughed heartily, too, and such a treaty of peace seemed to contain queer compensation clauses: Madame de Montespan and Mexica were mutually bound over to support each other; the spectacle was vastly droll, I vow. Besides her little dwarf, the Queen had a fool named Tricominy.

"If you are prudent, you will write first to the Marquis de Montespan, not to annul and revoke the judicial and legal separation which exists, but to inform him of your return to reasonable ideas, and of your resolve to be reconciled with the public." With these words the King ceased speaking.

Madame de Montespan. Daily developments. Duke de Mazarin his cynicism. He is silenced by the king. Sale of Dunkirk. Inconsistencies in the character of Louis. Treachery of Montespan. Sorrows of Louise. Letters of the Marquis de Montespan. Alarm of the marchioness. Cowardice of the Pope. Sorrow of the marquis. Vexation of Louis. Petty jealousies. Employments of the king.

The Universal Jubilee. Court Preachers. King David. Madame de Montespan is Obliged to go to Clagny. Bossuet's Mission. Mademoiselle de Mauleon. An Enemy's Good Faith. I do not desire to hold up to ridicule the rites of that religion in which I was born and bred. Neither would I disparage its ancient usages, nor its far more modern laws.

De Montespan would have given her diadem to have been permitted to vent her humiliation in tears; but pride restrained her, while she looked on, and saw how the king led De Maintenon to the queen, an honor hitherto reserved for princesses of the blood. And with what feline humility she knelt and pressed her majesty's hands to her unholy lips! Oh!