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If not thus remarried, there would be no reason why she should not resume her maiden name of Duval, as she did in the signature of her letter to me: finding that I had ceased to molest her by the inquiries, to elude which she had invented the false statement of her death. It seems probable, therefore, that she is residing somewhere in Paris, and in the name of Duval.

The natives have visited us since, and I do not think they will now attempt to molest either party when we separate. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant, CHARLES STURT, Capt. 39th Regt. Introductory Remarks on the results of the former Expedition The fitting out of another determined on Its objects Provisions, accoutrements, and retinue Paper furnished by Mr.

These, we afterwards were given to understand, were the summer quarters of the enemy's soldiers. On our left ran a ridge of hills, covered with variegated shrubs and trees. On this range of hills we could see soldiers posted in immense force, but they attempted not to molest our line of march, although sometimes, I am sure, within shot of their ginjalls.

As silently as possible, the great flat-boat which we had brought from St. Simon's was filled with men. Major Strong was sent on shore with two companies, those of Captain James and Captain Metcalf, with instructions to surround the town quietly, allow no one to leave it, molest no one, and hold as temporary prisoners every man whom he found.

This, when it came, was anything but satisfactory; for we were required to stop here until the king should have prepared the people on the road for our coming, so that they might not be surprised, or try to molest us on the way. Kamrasi, however, returned the books of birds and animals, requesting a picture of the king of Uganda to be drawn for him, and gave us one pot of pombe. 3d.

Then he launched out into the praises of a monastic life, which no noise disturbs, no cares molest, and no danger invades where the heart is weaned from carnal attachments, the grosser appetite subdued and chastised, and the soul wafted to divine regions of philosophy and truth, on the wing of studious contemplation.

"That he undertakes not to molest or in any way pursue Miss Dora Dundas." "Molest is rather a hard word, Mr. Ormsby. I am aware of the rivalry between you and my son, and I recognize that he has made a dangerous enemy. Surely, Miss Dundas is the best judge of her own feelings?" "Miss Dundas would have married me but for the return of your scapegrace son," cried Ormsby, flashing out.

The great truth has gone forth at last, not to be recalled, that the astronomer may point his glass to the heavens as long and as patiently as he pleases, without apprehending opposition from the Christian world; the chemist may subject all objects to the action of the crucible and the blowpipe, 'with none to molest him or make him afraid; the geologist may penetrate to any part of the earth may dig as deep as he pleases, and no one may be alarmed.

Provocation like this was rarely addressed to Sir Giles; and the choler occasioned by it was increased by the laughter and cheers of the company. Nevertheless he constrained his anger, replying in a stern, scornful tone "I would not counsel you to molest me, young man.

Gentlemen are not to be dictated to by snobs. Arm three men every night with guns; load the guns with ball, not small shot, as I did; and if those ruffians molest him again, kill them, and then come to me and complain of them. But, mind you kill them first complain afterward. And now take half-a-dozen of these men with you, to carry him to the farm, if he needs it.