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This honest Gentleman, who is so desirous that I should write a Satyr upon Grooms, has a great deal of Reason for his Resentment; and I know no Evil which touches all Mankind so much as this of the Misbehaviour of Servants.

Harris breaks the law The helpful man: The dangers that beset him George sets forth upon a career of crime Those to whom Germany would come as a boon and a blessing The English Sinner: His disappointments The German Sinner: His exceptional advantages What you may not do with your bed An inexpensive vice The German dog: His simple goodness The misbehaviour of the beetle A people that go the way they ought to go The German small boy: His love of legality How to go astray with a perambulator The German student: His chastened wilfulness.

"Perfect perfect belief in your goodness to me," she murmured vaguely. "Now I shall repay you by perversity misbehaviour I don't know what I don't know what " Her lids closed; she yielded to his embrace; one slim, detaining hand on his shoulder held her closer, closer. "You must never go away," her lips formed. But already he was releasing her, pale but coolly master of the situation.

"Well, it is interesting. What do you think? Falk Brandon has been sent down from Oxford for misbehaviour." "And who is Falk Brandon?" asked Ronder. "The Archdeacon's son. His only boy. I've told you about Archdeacon Brandon many times. He thinks he runs the town and has been terribly above himself for a long while. This will pull him down a little.

Nevertheless, taken as a whole, the Confederate soldiers were exceedingly well-conducted. The good elements in the ranks were too strong for those who were inclined to resist authority, and the amount of misbehaviour was wonderfully small. There was little neglect of duty.

I owe him a deep debt of gratitude for his beautiful faith in me in this respect, and now that I was alone in London, at this tender time of life, 'exposed', as they say, to all sorts of dangers, as defenceless as a fledgling that has been turned out of its nest, yet my Father did not, in his uplifted Quixotism, allow himself to fancy me guilty of any moral misbehaviour, but concentrated his fears entirely upon my faith.

They even presumed to make their sovereign in some measure an instrument of their calumny, by suggesting, that his majesty had prognosticated Byng's misbehaviour from the contents of his first letter, dated at Gibraltar.

"And who asked if thou didst, miss?" inquired her mother, who by dint of nursing Phil had become his strong partisan. "Dost mean to put thy silly whims above thy parents' judgments?" "But you would n't do as your father wished, and married dadda," moaned Janice. "A giddy, perverse child I was," retorted Mrs. Meredith; "and another art thou, to fling the misbehaviour in thy mother's face."

'Can there be a worse? replied he, renewing his embraces, 'and can you know it, and yet vouchsafe to look on me as your son! 'If your penitence be sincere, said the good old gentleman, 'I neither can, nor ought refuse to pardon all: but rise, continued he, 'and freely give this worthy friend and myself, the satisfaction we require; a full confession of all your misbehaviour, is the only attonement you can make, and that I can expect from you: remember I have signed your pardon for all that is past, but shall not include in it any future acts of disobedience, among which, dissimulation, evasion or concealment, in what I demand to be laid open, I shall look upon as of the worst and most incorrigible kind.

To be sure it was a bad way of spending a Sunday, to be laid up with ailments brought on by over-eating; but even this was better than spending it, like the former one, in wilful misbehaviour; and John, who knew that Papa, Mamma, brothers, and sisters all alike detested and despised real greediness, had been heartily ashamed of himself, both for this and his forfeits.