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Swoop her up, Matt, and fly for fear she is getting off without Aunt Mary's seeing her. Aunt Mary is so bent on keeping Polly's milking hand in." "That young Belgian says he's a good milker, and you needn't worry about "

"Those two beautiful sonnets that you transmuted into the cow that was accounted the worst milker in the township." "She was beautiful " he began, "But she didn't give milk," Madge interrupted. "But she was beautiful, now, wasn't she?" he insisted. "And here's where beauty and utility fall out," was her reply. "And there's the Wolf!"

They had grown to be enormous creatures, from thirteen hundred to fourteen hundred pounds in weight, and they were proving their excellence as milk producers by yielding an average of forty pounds a day. We had, and still have, one remarkable milker, who thinks nothing of yielding seventy pounds when fresh, and who doesn't fall below twenty-five pounds when we are forced to dry her off.

Malcolm, will you be so kind as to go with me to the fields for a few minutes while I milk?" "Yes!" "I will not detain you long." "Oh, no! I suppose about an hour. You are a shocking bad milker." "True; I never went near a cow until I came to this country; and I have never been able to overcome my fear of them." "More shame for you! A farmer's wife, and afraid of a cow!

The supper dishes were washed and dried, the table cleared, and a generous portion of biscuits and honey set aside for Bob. Miss Hope put on an old coat and went out with Betty to feed the stock, for it was growing dark and she did not want the boy to have it all to do when he came in tired. "I'll do the milking," said Betty hurriedly. "I'm not much of a milker, but I guess I can manage.

A horse and a cow's a big start for any man. Good-by. Attention, company! Forward, head of column right March!" "Well, I've done all I could," said the Deacon, going back and picking up the rope which was tied to the cow's horns. "The Lord knows I've tried hard enough to git that hoss back. The cow looks as if she's a good milker. A little milk'll do the boys good. Then, they kin have fresh beef.

"Thirty dollars is all I can afford to pay, squire." "Take my advice, and get a good cow while you're about it. It don't pay to get a poor one." "I'm a poor man, squire. I must take what I can get." "I ain't sure but I've got a cow that will suit you, a red with white spots. She's a fust-rate milker." "How old is she?" "She's turned of five." "How much do you ask for her?"

Hardly ever did he pass through his barn without paying homage to his own progressiveness and oozing approval of the mechanical milker, driven by his own electrical dynamo, the James Way stanchions with electric lights above, the individual drinking fountains at the head of each cow, the cork-brick floors, the scrupulously white-washed walls, and the absence of odor, with the one exception of sweet, fermented silage.

"O, Tessy!" There were signs that it was an exquisite relief to her to hear the impatient exclamation, though she had resolved so intrepidly to let generosity make one bid against herself. That was now done, and she had not the power to attempt self-immolation a second time then. They were joined by a milker from one of the cottages, and no more was said on that which concerned them so deeply.

I wants, also, a man and his wife; he must be willing to learn to plough, if he don't now how, and do a good fair day's work at anything; his wife must be a milker, and ha dustrious woman; I'll give them as much as they can eat and drink of tea and milk, and, whatever wages you set my name down for, I'll be bound to pay it.