United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The stock of "Virginia" has run short for supply to the British soldiers. The "Virginia," being slightly scented, is known in France as tabac a la confiture, but large quantities are being imported from Liverpool expressly to satisfy Tommy Atkins. I met at the War Office, M. Pegoud, inventor of "looping the loop," who was being congratulated by M. Messimy, Minister of War.

Now and again a name would creep into these communiques which after a glance at the map would give one a cold thrill of anxiety and doubt. Was it possible that the enemy had reached that point? If so, then its progress was phenomenal and menacing. But M. le Marquis de Messimy, War Minister of France, was delightfully cheerful.

The purple ones are the most charming and go well with every rose, but I have white ones with Laurette Messimy, and yellow ones with Safrano, and a new red sort in the big centre bed of red roses.

All sorts of war rumors were current, but as M. Messimy, the minister of war, has given to M. Arthur Meyer the assurance that while the news given out "might not be all the news, it would nevertheless be invariably true news," confidence in the official communications to the press, which are the only authentic source of war news, is unshaken.

They will be mostly Bengals; but there are two exquisite varieties sold by Messrs. Paul I forget which of them nearly as free flowering. These are Camoens and Mad. J. Messimy. They have a tint unlike any other rose; they grow strongly for their class, and the bloom is singularly graceful. The tiny but vexatious lawn was next attacked.

Legislative proposals on the use of the military resources offered by the native Algerians and the West African negroes have not yet been laid before Parliament by the Government. It cannot yet be seen to what extent the native and black troops will be increased. The former Minister of War, Messimy, had advocated a partial conscription of the native Algerians.

His firm, trim appearance and his clear blue eyes, genial smile, and sunburnt face made an excellent impression, and he was greeted with loud cheers. He had a long talk with M. Messimy, Minister of War. I am having a very busy time trying to obtain permission for American war correspondents to accompany the French armies in the field. Mr. Richard Harding Davis and Mr.

But one morning I was bending over a bed of Laurette Messimy roses and I became aware that he had arrived in his usual mysterious way without warning. He was standing in the grass and when I turned my eyes upon him I only just saved myself from starting which would have meant disaster.

But the result of the gigantic battle in the department of the Aisne near La Fere, Guise, and Laon, on the road to Paris, still hangs in the balance. It seems pretty certain that the French armies were concentrated too far to the east. The temptation to enter Alsace, where strong force is needless, was too great for the then war minister, M. Messimy, to withstand. France is paying for this now.

Messimy, an attaché of the group who had led the attack, took Millerand's place. When the war broke out, Messimy was invited to make himself scarce, and Millerand returned to his post. Thanks to him, the army was as ready as an army in a democratic country can be. The France of 1915-16 is a new France. Truce in the face of a common danger or a real union? Will it last?